No walks, oats risotto, winemaking, long laundry [Wed 7]

 I write this at 9.55 the next evening. This morning was productive in terms of writing, which made me want to go to work earlier. Since I'm leaving for NYC tomorrow, I'm a little busy today. Sigh. Wish things were better.

Got up super duper early, didn't go out for a walk, stared at the ceiling, twitter and reddit for an hour and half. Work was super duper busy because I broke everything and spent a long time fixing all the systems.

For lunch made a risotto out of oats. So oat, milk, parmesan, with mushroom and garlic cooked in butter a glog of soy sauce, and a scrambled egg to top it all. It was actually quite good.

Didn't go out in the evening because did three loads of laundry. Also cut like twelve pounds of carrots took me couple of hours, boiled half of that with sugar and turned into mush that I'll add yeast to tomorrow. The other half I made into kaanji, added salt and crushed mustard seeds, and put in on my heated mat. I'm excited about that experiment!

Haven't bottled the plum wine yet, or added yeast to the carrots. Will do that tomorrow. Also do pokey things to get my new round of farming started. Things are looking up!

Went to bed at 10.40, slept like ten minutes after. Sound sleep too. Gotta keep it up.

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