Places to move to if this election doesn't go the way we really really hope it will -- Part II

1. Non-Germany Mainland Europe. They're like Germany but with fewer job prospects, lesser pay, not that much cheaper, and nothing else happening. Also there's no job and they're not really into letting others in considering they don't have jobs for themselves, so this would be an outlandishly bad move, but who knows if you get a great job and a nice house, this could work. Just don't antagonize the French with your strong American accent and refusal to event attempt to speak French. Of course they all speak English, they're just testing you, don't play their game.

2. Scandinavian countries. Not great pay. Taxes that are pretty high. Awful awful weather. People aren't very friendly. You're not going to make a great community likely because people like chilling by themselves. And if the U.S were better with social protection and chill lifestyle they'd want to move. But they're happy with their great healthcare and social security and all the other services. Nothing is too competitive unless you want it to be, and things aren't happening. Also, try avoiding the skinheads and join one of the metal bands because that's how everyone makes friends there. I dunno, there's not many people that I know who live in that part of the world, but it should be in your evaluation.

3. Singapore. Wish I'd put this higher, but forgot. Eh, whatever. The best way to be in Singapore is as an employee for a multinational company transferred there. That way you get the wages of the better-off country, while getting to live like a Singaporean. Specially if you're young and Single it's an incredible place to be, props if you've got all that dough rolling in. It's not a great place to live forever if you you are a off-the-beaten-path person, but if you like order and rules and want somebody else to have decided the course of your life, this should be in number one. On the other hand if you end up working for a local Singaporean company the pay is shit, it's a struggle to get residency and citizenship is impossible and even if you're a 'look-straight-ahead' kinda' person, good luck being able to afford housing or making long-term life commitments. For a couple of years though this place would rule.

4. South East Asian Capitals. This includes capitals but could also be one of those better-off cities. Think Bangkok, Manilla, Hong Kong, Taipei, Jakarta, and the rest. They're cheap, and if you can score a good job there, they're amazing places to be. On the downside, unless you marry someone from the place, it's still not a long-term plan because getting residency and citizenship could be tough. But then with all the savings you'll be squirreling away you could probably even buy one of the more desperate well-off countries' citizenship later in life. Or if you're thus inclined, just settle there, close from home and with the potential for much greater growth since Chinese growth has slowed down this and Africa is where the world will be looking at.

5. The richer South American countries. It is ideal if you speak Spanish, but even if you don't, and you're a hustler who could score a well-paid job, this would be a cool move. The one downside would be that if the place is not guaranteed political stability, you could have to make a potential move again in the next few decades, so choose wisely.

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