The very awesome adventures of Beri rabbtit [V]

 .... Unless there was a key hidden somewhere, among all those belongings. They didn't appear to be the ravings of a madman, instead he came out as methodical and accurate, in the way  roll of cotton is a good company to the doctor whose job was to disinfect that area of the body....

Berri rabbtit kept on crying and crying and crying. His mother covered him in warm blankets, his sister brought him hot chocolate, his dad got him chocolates and put on his favourite tv show. He even hugged his child, and told him they were all there to support him, loved him and would protect him from any danger the world would bring his way.

The terrified creature still shook, like an earthquake shake a large sky scraper. The dark images in his mind haunted him. He didn't even understand what they were, he didn't know those people. The adorable being was unsure if he had dreamed it all in a tired reverie or actually seem those things. It didn't matter. He was traumatized. He sister realized that.

Deep inside his heart Berri rabbtit wished his family would scold him for disobeying them and going out on his own in the darkness of the night against everyone's instruction and recommendation. But no such reprimanding came in. They said they understood that he had made a mistake, and had learned his lesson, and it would be fine my them. He was afraid and he was shaken, and this was time for recovery not blaming him for the mistakes.

The adventurous furry creature had a terrible headache for the whole of next week. He was being visited by close friends and family, who wished him well and brought his favourite foods and games. They spent hours and hours talking to him and playing games with him. The warm sun outside, and the warmth of the hearts of the people nurturing him healed him slowly. He still had awful nightmares but they got less frequent. He was able to move around the house, go to neighbor's places, even go to the shops without feeling like he was alone and helpless in the world and nothing anybody said would protect him in true danger.

In all the hullabaloo and the traumatic events that caused it, he hadn't had a chance to consider his original plan, which was to leave the cocoon of comfort the rabbit's family and friends had provided and explore the world. Now that the thrillseeking creature had some time to ponder, it seemed like a good idea again. Yes he had been scarred for life, and the memory of the awful things he had experienced would never be erased from the pages of his mind-book, but the curiosity hadn't died yet.

More importantly, Beri knew that going out by himself wasn't the mistake, going without with proper preparation was what had gone wrong the first time. If only he had completed all of Corvina's lessons, and lessons of everyone who had offered to teach him the ways of the world, he would probably have known to deal with the events he encountered. It wasn't the trip that had been bad by itself then, it was how he was expecting it to be, and how poorly prepared he was to deal with it that had gone wrong.

Many weeks went by since Beri rabbit's fateful unplanned trip out of the forest and the quick emergency return, and his hunger for adventures grew again. The lessons he had learned during the original planning had been interesting. He realized he would be interested in learning them without intending to go outside too. Something to engage himself in, to dream about. If nothing else, he could use imagination to write fables of his trips, using the practical knowledge learned from others. That wouldn't be as good as the real thing, but it would give the reader a good sense of what it could be like. Besides, children of the community were taught to fear the outside, be afraid of adventure. His stories would at least encourage some curiosity in them.

So he formulated a plan to go back to his lessons for going on awesome adventures.

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