Game over in Kathmandu and pretty much Nepal at this point

Three months from now, Nepal will have had 50,000 deaths related to COVID though the government numbers will be much much lower. At this point, the numbers that the government has publicized and the books maintained by the army, which is doing death management for the time being, have different by significant amount already. Deaths in Kathmandu are increasing. Deaths outside the valley are increasing. People I know have gotten very very sick, some of them have passed away. Faraway relatives and family friends, but people we know. Who have been affected by this.

The government has given up on it, completely entirely, its focused on literally everything else but the mtherfking disease that all the serious nations are freaking out about, and is killing the elderly and severely weakening the rest. This is a massive massive failure with zero justification but nobody cares. Nobody. Fucking. Cares. I don't like using harsh words but what a fisaco a fucking shit fiasco. If anyone you know is dead in kathmandu because of the disease, it is the government's fault they had half-a-year of preparation time in which they did nothing and then rolled back all the controls just as the disease got out of control. I've said it before but let me re-iterate here: it's game over, hundreds of thousands are going to die, people will just shrug off and move on. The expectations are so fucking low, the political social structures are so corrupt lolnothingmatters, literally nothing matters.

I mean the orange blowhard goon turd is breaking all civility and now legal rules even the goons in Nepal wouldn't say the dumfuckingshits he blathers out of his severely handicapped mouth. But at least, until this point, he is an aberration a strange phenomena that people know should be rejected. We're comparing a third-world country and the U.S, and the U.S comes off a little behind but we think and know and hope this is an aberration and the other guy will do better things. Not there in Nepal. Shitheads are common, encouraged, part of the game, etcetera. The system is dysfunctional.

So I've come to this real real realization, things are very very bad here in the US, that I really should think of escaping but they're still and this is such a ridiculous place to be in, still so much better than they are in Kathmandu, in Nepal. I really wish they had one fucking thing going on for them that one could be proud and say, 'you know what everything sucks but at least they controlled the disease all this time unlike the western countries so proud of that', like they've done in South East Asia and Oceania. But no, I can't. Because things matter, institutions matter, what people say matters.

Such disappointment. I've written about this a dozen times by now, I write this as I get news of more infections and more deaths, not in my near and dear ones my family and friends are all safe, but people know and generally care about. This is awful, this is a fiasco and despite nepal being a poor under-resourced country it didn't have to be this way. It really really didn't. Yet, here we are. What to do. We're so fucked.

And I write this as my head hurts unbearably, haven't had proper sleep in the last few days because the possibility of the election results and the situation after have kept me awake. And this place is _still_ better, alas.

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