Very late to get up, disappointment at the work front, taco lunch, afternoon nap, shortened walk, savory pancake dinner, car racing, chattin up [Thu 22]

 It's 11.20 of the next day and I should have written more but I napped earlier today didn't go out walking because it's Friday and R is over so caught up with her. Also talked to a bunch of people so I'm tired okay. I need to guide myself towards being productive in my free time. More meditation and mindfulness focus practice will help.

Was very very late to get up, very close to nine, because I got up to use the rest room at 4.30 and couldn't go back to bed. This is something parents of young children have to teach, but I should really not drink anything at least two hours before I go to sleep. And yet I keep forgetting it, and chug like two, three glasses of water or some other great drink. Quite befuddling really.

We worked at the hackathon project and presented it. Our team didn't make it to the finals so we were all super duper bummed out.

For lunch I had the taco leftover meal from the previous night. Just mixed the veggies together into a gloopy mess and ate it.

After work I tried meditating, fell asleep instead. Napped for like hour and half, it was really refreshing, the shocking thing is I couldn't make myself sleep more despite trying quite hard.

Talked to N about life updates, birthday celebration, and romance etcetera. I've been encouraging people to make big moves, go get what they want, you know the deal.

Went out on a walk, earbuds in place. Maghoun Square, Powderhouse, Boston ave, home. Took an hour for the short tour because it was a chill walk and not really a workout, also I was having fun listening to the new office podcast call the michael scott pdocast company. And texting with sk throughout. Our writing plans were disrupted by the stupid debates, I'm still salty about that.

Came back, got mad at sk for bailing out on me. Friend of the house I was over, with his console, and the gang was playing the nintendo mario racing game. I played a few to terrible results. Spent a stupid hour making a whole metric fucton of savory pancakes. Had the pancakes with the achars and kimchi. Made a mistake and added a bit too much of the spicy achar and I was crying like a sweet child.

Talked to a bunch of people online, wrote a bunch. Went to bed at 11.30, but didn't really sleep until 1 because of the evening nap because I was trying to find people to distract so they'd talk to me. Nobody was up it was sad, so I forced myself to sleep. Thank riddance.

I need to workout, seriously start meditating, and begin with the checklists again.

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