Nothing Friday, lots of snow, internet addiction, longlong call, no sleep [Fri 30]

 Got up at 9 am, despite having slept at 6 since I was talking to PA all that time. Felt tired and sleepy all day long. I write this the evening of the Sunday after, predating a lot of posts now.

Lunch of eggplant and rice, so very tired of it. I'm writing this on Sunday afternoon, the days are short it's rainy and cold so so terrible this has been awful for the 'productivity', so to speak.

Didn't do much at work, barely anything. Didn't do the writing I was supposed to, didn't even meet the daily quota.

It snowed all day long, kept on snowing and snowing and snowing and just when I thought it had stopped snowing it snowed away so much snow. So. Much. Snow. It was tiring, it was crazy. Wild really. Too much snow, too early. Apparently it was a record for the day since 2005, not a surprise.

Hooked to the news from the world, about the elections, about the repercussions, about the brewing civil war that honestly honestly is getting increasingly likely. I'll complain about this in a different post, but things are pretty bad right now and could get so much worse in a very short while. So much reddit so much twitter my eyes hurt by brain hurts it's not good for my health but what too do. I can't sleep, I can't sleep because of the stress.

I took an hourlong nap in the afternoon after work. The plan was to go on my regular walk but PK and ND started watching a movie, Knives Out I got into it then I got bored and it was so cold snowy and rainy outside so it didn't look like a walk was possible. So I skipped it. Skipped all the evening meditation too.

Don't know what I had for dinner. Did definitely not write anything at all. It appears I slept pretty late, around midnight. I got up at 3 in the morning to use the restroom. Then was too afraid scared to go back to sleep, so didn't get any sleep thereafter. Thank god it was Saturday.

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