Bodyscan meditation, pancake lunch & dinner, evening nap, catching up with R, tv watching [Fri 23]

 I write this at 10.30 on Sunday evening because as usual I was busy and thus bailed out on the important stuff on Saturday.

Got up early, 7.15ish this day, got around to doing the body scan meditation and mindfulness exercise after thirty minutes of lazing about. Didn't complete it, abandoned it halfway through and got ready for work.

At work, got a new tickets, had a few meetings, and started working on the task. Had a meeting with my manager, we talked motivation, and my goals for a promotion.

For lunch I had the pancakes, with all the sweet stuff. Had the same pancakes for dinner with savory fixins. I didn't mind quite honestly, considering I spent a long time making those pancakes.

After work, I was tired and confused because of the sleep deprivation and early-waking thing, so I napped for an hour and half. R was over, so talked to her and BB for like an hour-and-half. PK was out for the night. Forgot about the evening walk, watched tv instead after BB and R went to sleep.

Had too much of the spicy achaar, and drank too much of Arizona tea, shouldn't have done that, gave it away to R and BB. Got too thirsty before sleeping, so drank a LOT of water preceding the sleeping time. Also got some solid writing, for a Friday, so all caught up other things considered. That was pretty great.

Slept at 12.30-1 in the morning, but got up three or four times during the sleep to use the restroom, it was not very rejuvenating.

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