They sleep tight

Writers note: for the last many months I've restrained from doing totally random bazooinks writing here, for good reason since I'm not learning anything or exploring new patterns. It's generally writing for writing's sake with those pieces. I do that at my other super secret journal. Now there's pressure to reach this month's quota and other ways I can't think of getting there, so live with this one bub. This is totally random out of my butt stuff that I shouldn't even be publishing because this blog has one reader (you) and these things are not meant to be ready generally but eff.this.shiiiit. Hereee we go.

However they didn't just give a damn their friends had left three hours ago but those two fuckers who liked thinking of themselves as the only pair of mofos deeply in love in the history of love and mofos weren't to be bothered by how others were bothered by them not talking to anybody else, babe we're in love and we're enough for each other we'll fight them all to be with each other and stay with one another forever they told each other all day everyday which should really have been a hint hint hint that their relationship wasn't going where they were hoping because you don't want to be talking about how awesome you're doing and anybody who says otherwise is just a hater isn't this fun gosh what good relationship you have and next week is like your monthly anniversary you're so excited about it it'll be so romatic and then the fucking the fucking would be the hottest in the history of hotness as well as fucking, normal couples just don't do that because they've got their lives and things to do besides relationships and theirs are healthier but these idiots overconfident inexperienced fools who thought they were in undying love yet aware deep in their hearts that this was passing and there was really nothing else that backed their passion for each other more than the thought of proving everybody else wrong weren't going to admit it so they held hands and went out at four in the morning for a walk because is that not what the couples real real in love did in paris even though they were stranger spent all day night together but the morning was cold it was snowy there wasn't much to talk about they were tired and sleepy the night had been long and they were both little scared plus really they were uncomfortable around each other when there was no common gossip so the romantic outing ended quicker than it began, back in the bedroom the flame seemed to have vanished they were both in their undies under the blanket touching the others skin with their own hands pawing the sweet soft skin, rubbing rubbing the arms the legs, the back maybe the sexy parts but no that was too much pressure it was cold and they were tired no they couldn't have sex it wouldn't be great it was supposed to be romantic thing pure and from the heart not from the loin so they thought but there was the fear the throbbing uncomfortable fear that arose from deeper than their groins which told them to do something and these two younguns took off their clothes all of them naked as the day they were even less as they'd taken considerable care to grooming for this very event and still nothing no throbbing no pulsating no heat no fire only a lazy drone and yawns it was time to sleep, naked on one another no sex and the greatest fear in the world, what and what the fucking fuck was the next day going to bring what would they do, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

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