Getting ready for a long stay

Writing prompt: Write a scene that takes place inside a haunted house. How did the house become haunted? What do your characters decide to do about it?


"And that sir, is our scheduled ceiling rattling, happens almost every fifteen minutes or so, by magic. We've run a series of tests, and it's guaranteed haunted too."

"How do I know it's not some low power motor doing its thing, or some kind of mechanistic apparatus triggered by springs that one of your staff members sets up every time a new guest arrives?"

"Excellent question sir! You are welcome to inspect the parts of the hosue that shake and vibrate, and in your contract you will find that if you are able to provide us with logical, scientific reasoning and proof of what's happening, with an ability for us to replicate your results, you'll earn yourself a thousand dollars. In other words, we're betting you a thousand dollars that this is real haunting and not just some second-rate mechanical engineering homework."

"I see, that is exactly what I have to come to expect from your establishment, your words are backed by your wallet, by legal contracts. This is how it should be, specially if you want to be taken seriously, and seen different than the rank phonies who'll use base magician tricks to convince the unsuspecting targets that something ethereal and otherworldly is happening."

"Yes sir, we take pride in the fact that we are the only institution of the kind that we know of in the entire world. What I am even more proud of is the fact that our guests haven't been permanently harmed or traumatized in a very long time, despite the...dangers present. Through the years we have met customers who aren't fully satisfied by those circumstances, they would rather...something happen...and hope that we take the legal responsibility of the repercussions. You will be glad to know, hopefully, that we've never had to be in such a scenario, and as a properieter here I don't intend for things to change."

"Wonderful Thapaji, wonderful. Tell me more about the experience, and how everything fits. What I should be expecting, what sort of things I'd rather not know, what the times are like, all of it."

"Truth be told sir, it's a better experience going in without getting an intimate knowledge of what could be happening, or anticipating the...strangeness of the events. Since your interest is not in the thrill I see but in the mechanics of it, so to speak, I can openly talk to you about the...other factors. Guests sleeping in these suites have always had terrible dreams, confusing, messy convoluted meet with the faux-reality. Often they can't tell the difference between what is real and what is not. Some of our more serious guests have claimed that their three-day stay here felt to them like being trapped in a haunted prison for decades. Since such opinions are of the subjective nature, we cannot verify them and put similar claims in the nature. We have not had a single guest who was disappointed, or didn't feel anything out of the ordinary.

Besides the dreams, are the usual haunting actions, the floating candles, shuttering windows, eerie noises coming from the outside, noises that you cannot triangulate despite using the most state-of-the-art technology, trust me many have tried. The fog that rises over the ravine we've discovered is not of supernatural origin, but it does add to the spooky environment. You will likely see a floating transparent or translucent apparation, though they've been getting more rare as of recent. And obviously, all your electronic devices will go haywire once in the house"

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