Twenty new hobbies you can start now because gotta admit we're not gonna be having hangouts in a long time at this rate

  1.  Mushroom farming, all kinds

  2. Fishing, alone

  3. Phishing, alone or in group virtually

  4. Bookclub but by yourself

  5. Drinking,  possibly to the point of unconsciousness on a regular basis

  6. Gaming, because now it's been normalized, they aren't losers anymore since everybody does it

  7. Sex, virtual only

  8. Homebrewing

  9. Walking

  10. Nosepoking

  11. Knitting, crocheting, sewing

  12. Reading pick up a goddamn book for gods sake for once get off the internet dudee

  13. Apple-picking

  14. Counting days off in chalk in your prison wall...err I mean walls of your room, so much fun

  15. Disinformation-spreading

  16. Spying for foreign adversarial countries and individuals

  17. Tax evading

  18. Online trolling

  19. Yelling at 'em damn libruls online

  20. Crying, to sleep

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