Boy, gone

You are at a magic show with your family, and your eight year old son is called up on stage as a part of the disappearing act. The magician performs the first part of the act successfully, but is unable to make your son reappear.

No worries, yes that's my son, that's my real son, no no I don't work for the magician, never seen him before. Sir, I will NOT be spoken to like that, I've not had anything to do with the man. I know here my son is and he is fine, trust me, I tell the crowd. They appear to be more enraged than I am, some of them suspicious of my lack of urgency and fear. They're sure I'm with the magician, that this is some lame long-con, and three days later we're going to produce him from the least expected place and just blow everyone's mind away.

It's happened before. My son, he's a special person, he tends to...disappear. Not disappear as in become invisible, but 'teleport' of sorts, appearing in a different place. He likes to play pranks, my son, he does he's a trickster and we have to spend days, sometimes weeks searching for him. The last time he was at my wife's parents, we spent two whole days searching for him, both of us were in tears and had just about given up when her folks call us up and put him on the phone. We interroaged him and discovered his...penchance for not being around.

It's not superpower, it's a hassle is what it is. You don't want your child to go wherever he wants to go, young people need to be protected and taught about the limits of their abilities. My son, he sometimes thinks he's invincible, he can get away from anything by just getting out of the scene. In this case though, he escaped under no durress, he wanted to play a trick on the magicians...the man's trick was to make someone go out of sight and bring them back in, my child didn't want any part in coming back. He is torturing the magician. He'll show up a few days later maybe even late at night, and haunt the poor man, pretending he's a ghost or something. That's what kids do these days right.

We call our parents, friends and family. With my cousins in Arkansas. They were at a birthday party apparently and my boy showed up. I'm glad he's fine. There's a strange disease floating around, keep yourself safe out there, I tell my brethren there. They look at me through the camera like I'm crazy. That thing they're talkin' about in the tv, cousin Dvorkin says incredulously, that's cityfolk disease. We've grown up in the sand and mud, we've wrestled pigs we ain't gettin' such nerfy bugs cousin', ain't be nothin' that's scarin' us, they say. But still, I try explaining to them, he's a small boy and could get sick. He could also bring the disease to us and get us sick, but they're not listening anymore. Everyone's in the party mood.

Three weeks later, all four of us are bedridden, unable to move a muscle. We get deliveries because none of us had the energy to boil a cup of water. Those hicks.

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