Cool foods, fruitful writing, very long conversation, late to bed [Thu 19]

 It's 11.02 PM of the next day, I'm sleepy and in no mood to write, so this is going to be a quick one. Going to bed early now, going to play catchup tomorrow.

Woke up pretty regularly, 7.20 ish, had to wait forever for the restroom, because it's so cold in the mornings roommates have been waking up late and not going for their walks, the social contract has collapsed terribly.

By the time everything was done it was 8.15, I did my meditation, the last of the 10-day series, which means I'm done with the beginner's meditation on the app. Now on to uncharted territories. Because I was feeling like half-assing things I just wrote a quick 'newspaper' style post, otherwise I'd be horribly behind.

Work was very busy,. and productive as well, I've been killing it lately actually.

For lunch I made a quick and dirty grilled cheese with my remainder bread that I've been desperately trying to finish. I'm only going to buy half-loaves here onwards, even if they're much more expensive. That way I can eat a larger variety of breads and not have to worry about bread going bad. The other option I've seen people use is to store the bread in the freezer, but yuck, I want to take things forwards. A few dollars here and there is not going to make me broke.

Anyway I took the grilled cheese, dipped it in spiced egg, and fried it, making it a grilled cheese french toast. It was alright, if I'd put in more effort into any of the part of the plan it'd have been much better. Dipped it into ketchup because that's the sort of low-effort situation I was at.

Tried one or two more meditation practices from the app, fell asleep. Need to make myself not feel asleep now.

Forced myself into writing a thousand words by the end of the day.

After that, went on a nice but real quick walk to Market Basket, spent my sweet sweet time exploring the aisles. In the end I got a jar of sesame oil which I had run out of, and a jar of quaker grits, again because I ran out of them a while ago.

Got back, talked to R who's BB's roommate for a bit. Made my Shin Ramyun, the best I've had ever or at least in recent memory. Probably ever though. Things I added in addition to the regular stuff: soy sauce, gochujang, home-made kimchi, onion greens, furikake (seaweed one), sesame oil, fried eggs, and not insignificant amount of fresh lime juice. Yuummm. It was so satisfying.

SK was being lazy, it was time for our writing event but she's always lazy trying to avoid it. I nagged her into start writing and the writing went pretty well, we wrote until 10.30. Figured she'd be creeped out or lazy or tired soon, so just let the conversation flow until things died down. Not so, it went on until 12.45. Since my sleep cycle was severely disrupted, I decided to disturb her as well, and kept things going. We stopped talking at 2 in the morning, a little past two I think, by the time I slept it may have been half past two or possibly three. Brutal, I know, but we had funtimes. I bragged sooOOo much.

And that was my day!

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