Morning writing, fruity breakfast, grits lunch, Market Basket fruit shopping, yellow rice and chickpea stew dinner, reading and pushups, checklists [Wed 11]

It's 10.52 in the PM and I'm so sleepy I'm over sleep now I've been dozing on and off for an hour at this point I'm afraid sleep will be hard to come because of all the naps I've had this evening. Lets get this done with real quick so I can either go to sleep right away or put out something in a jiffy, another post, and bedtimes it is.

Right before I started writing this, I did ten pushups the regular kind. I've been thinking, the problem with me not doing physical exercises anymore, the aerobic kind, is that I'm too afraid to increase my pace to where I was when I last left. But working out is not the goal, it's a process, the goal is to feel better, for the rest of your life. You can't work out and call it a day. If that's the case then I need to work towards improving the process and my approach to it. I'm going to do just ten pushups a day, without increasing if it means I'm doing them every day.

Before that I cleaned up for the night. Before that I wrote the post where I complained about dozing off. I wrote that because I was reading a page of the book the Fairies of New York and then fell asleep for several moments. I'm following my old checklist...well the checklists are new, they're much shorter and simpler but going off of checklists makes it easier to stay by the rules, and one of the things for today was to read a page of a book. The pushup was also a part of it. If only I can keep ten more days at it, I'll have done fine. I've put an event on my google calendar, with 5 reminders for it, which occurs every two weeks, that's supposed to make me live by the checklists for at least two days. 4 days out of 30 ain't too good, but if I can stretch those 2 days to ten, and I believe I can do that easily because once you're in a roll it's hard to back out of it, then we're talking baby. Great things, great great things lie ahead. I'm taking charge of my life and my body and getting excited about it.

Before reading the book I wrote like five posts. FOTH I was over, he and the roommates were playing mario kart as usual as I wrote and talked to them through the walls.

While they were playing I made dinner stew of jalepeno, an onion, a can of diced tomatoes, and a can of chickpeas. I boiled eleven eggs and dumped seven of them into the stew, so it was like an egg curry. Had the egg curry with the yellow rice PK had made, he made it with butter and spices added it was actually quite good, my stew and the rice went surprisingly well together. Now I'm thinking if I can get myself to do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day on a long-term regular basis I'd be down to have rice for one or two meals a week.

Before that, I went to Market Basket and back. Left house at 5.15, listened to the SmartLess podcast interview with conan o brien on the way there. Bought 1 grapefruit, one pear, one onion, and a dozen eggs for less than four bucks. Carried my cute 'I love you' grocery bag, backpacks are kinda' dorky I'm thinking these days. Tried meditating on the way back, not very successfully. Also listened to the latest episode of the Office Ladies. My walks have been idyllic and fun, if I could turn them up, sweat and breathe harder like they do in Nepal in the mornings, it'd be dual purpose. That's not where I'm right now, but that is the goal.

Lunch was of grits, soy sauce, butter, kimchi, furikake and very well fried egg. It was great really, green onions would have been a welcome addition but I didn't have them. Also I'm out of grits, so that's an achievement I'm proud of, was afraid it was too much for me. After work it was one meeting after another, mostly for my benefit. Getting ready for the Hackathon at work tomorrow. Wrote in the work journal after 4.40, which is why I ended up leaving for my walk so late.

Breakfast was an apple and a banana, apple with peanut butter.

Got up at 7, but out of bed really at 7.25, meditated for 20 minutes. Cleaned room for 20 minutes though it didn't look like much, need two more days worth of cleaning. Wrote a post, forced myself to write the 'state of this blog', so very proud of it, first thing I've written in the morning in a long time, don't know why that has been the case. Got to working at 8.40-ish.

I really need to make my mornings more productive, that way I feel fresher for work, have more time throughout the day to play with, and don't feel as much pressure in the evenings.

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