We're all trapped together and there's no escape

Fic piece, thoughts from a teenage girl.

Really any time, all the time. Every moment of time. All the moments, all the time. Always. Ever and ever. Forever.

People don't get it. It's hard to convince somebody when there livelihood depends on not getting it, they say. If that's true then a mighty many people's livelihood depends on everybody wanting to socialize with everybody all the time. I'm not asking for 24/7 of personal time, just a few minutes here and there, to gather my thoughts, be with myself, peacefully and without external distraction and nagging. They don't get it. You always want personal time, they say, when will you stop wanting it they ask. And I'm like I'll always want personal time, some moments throughout the day. And they go, maybe when you're older there will be a time when you won't need it because you'll be so content and happy maybe even bored with yourself you'll be able yo be comfortable in others' presence. How do you even tell those obdurate fools.

They don't get me at all, I'm like an island of peace and sanity in this goddamn ocean of confusion noise and mess. How anybody gets done here only the gods know because number one nobody is ever on time number two they never do their homeworks or even listen to you. And that point annoys me like hell because when you're spending twenty four seven threesixtyfive with other people one would expect you're at least listneing to what they have to say, because otherwise what's the point. But no, it seems like they want to be with other people because they want to talk talk talk and talk even more. And ohh did I say talk some more and not pay attention to what the other person is saying at all?

People say I'm a angsty teenage girl, that all my complaints about the society and other people will mellow away. Everybody has complaints in this age, they are annoyed by every little thing, look how we are doing fine, we are people too, they say. Well maybe it's possible they're all freakin' idiots and they haven't just considered that yet. Because shouts on shouts, conversations on top of conversations, so many miscommunications, it's all missed connections, redoing something over and over again, procrastination on procrastination. And then some more. It's a surprise, no a shock really that something gets done. That this country functions, has police, hospitals some sort of transportation system and generally an economy, as bad and flawed it is, is a wonder to me. There must be something big and obvious I'm missing because I think this country should be like the simpsons, a dysfunctional family where everything goes to die.

You cannot have personal dreams here, no ambition. They call you a bitch, an annoying person, what about us they will say, you are so selfish. I tell them they asked what I personally wanted, for me myself and I and I answered their question. If they had wanted to tell me that my dream is for THEM to become rich and successful maybe they shouldn't have asked me anything. I'm so hyper I'm told. Maybe so, I'm after all just a teenage girl. But, I'm a human being too, and this human being wants to have personal thoughts opinions plans and ambitions. She doesn't want to be a prisoner of other people's dreams and desires, chained with the other lazy, unthinking annoying people. Yet here we are, in this land, trapped with each others and the countries of the world are closing their doors. How will we get along together one wonders.

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