The dangerous drop

A : A random student who is distracted from his dreamy reverie and forced to pay attention
B : The student at the other end of the class who shouts.
C : Somebody from the room beneath.

Event: A glass bottle falls down loudly in the class. The teacher is interrupted, he looks to he corner of the class where the student responsible is fumbling to put it back. Someone shouts something from the other end, a student shushes the class, the student forces the bottle back in.

"A" was planning his summer travels in his head. Laptops were banned, he'd be buying tickets to remote destinations otherwise. This was the last class before the holidays, no exams no assignments, the lecture was recorded anyway. He didn't have to worry, besides the attendance. He'd get so drunk and high like he'd never been before, he'd go in sober and come back sober from some exotic island and remember nothing in between. That's how you knew it was a good time. A sharp loud noise interrupted his reverie. And then the clinkclinkiclinking of something, something made of glass. The person sitting there was flustered, he didn't know what was happening it seemed. He was an exchange student from...somewhere...Eastern Europe maybe, "A" hadn't paid much attention. The Professor stopped talking and walked over coolly, tried helping the poor man. He was a mess, hands shaking ears blisteringly red, "A" could see pellets of sweat on the man's forehead. The laxbro at the other end of the class shouted something, "A" was unsure what but he quickly shushed the asshole, the poor guy was already embarassed enough he didn't need those privileged assholes to make fun of him. The Professor's assistance was rejected, the unfortunate student stashed the bottle quickly into his large backpack and stared intently at the laptop, pretending to type notes. "A" was impressed, how quickly he had gone from a loud interruption to pretending nothing was up.

"B" knew he shouldn't have trusted the newbie with the materials, they had told him he would learn soon, but he wasn't sure. "Make sure it's safe," he sent a message to the man from his laptop. "Don't be too conspicuous, you don't want them to get curious", he added. He was a fool, didn't know the importance of the matter. He could see the exchange student fumbling through his bag, trying to peek into it, and then miraculously the bottle dropped out of the bag and started rolling. "B" panicked. "Watch out," he shouted, "What the heck are you doing!". He could feel the eyes of the entire class on him, the toady fool sitting in the middle shushed him, as if he was the teacher. "B" didn't care. He just...wanted things to be alright, everybody to be safe. Eventually the bottle was stashed into the bag carefully. At least it hadn't broken and it was the real thing, "B" knew for sure. "Don't worry", he texted the nervous wreck of the man, "Be careful the next time. It's everybody's responsibility," he sent the message.

"C" didn't know what had happened. First there was a sharp loud noise of something falling down from the room above his office. Then someone shouted loudly. And soon that part of the roof glowed dim blue.

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