Syangye's sexy shoes

This is a whole lotta bullshit crap. Apologies for putting you through this but such is our existence, we are trapped here with each other with no escape and the only way to make this bearable is to support each other and love and kindness, we're failing at all of those. It's bad people, things are going awful where the fking freak is this country going to and the other goddamn countries that should have their shit together doing. How come, what the what what.

Finding a shoemaker wasn't easy now that the foreign companies had driven them all out of business. You either bought an expensive shoe and hoped it lasted for years or a cheap one and threw it away in a matter of months, there was nothing in between. No chance of repairs, not even if your bought the highest end crap. The shoemakers had retired away, their children desperately trying to get into IT or some other fucking crapshit where they would get the crumbs of the billionaire and trillionaire savant idiots who ruled the land with an iron fist. This was a backwater technology wise, everything came here three years later, the market was not big enough to support bigger than a billionaire or two, so their influence in these parts was much less market. The local lords still had an influence, the elected leaders had gone by the way of the old social networks where you could just join and troll anonymously as your heart desired.

Syangye's escape from his ancestral home wasn't going well. Two years out he was still struggling to get a nice permanent place to live, the jobs had no benefits, he was afraid he would catch one of the numerous plagues ravaging the rest of the world and die like a dog on the street without anybody to care for him nobody to love him. Now he was out of a proper working shoe. How would he go out to the job, his funds were exhausted, the check wasn't coming in for two weeks.

He decided to do it himself. Looked up the vidtube on the internet, searched it. He had the thread and needle to repair his shirts, he could reuse those the video said. So he went. All night long he worked on sewing and resewing. The next morning the leather was pocked by needleholes but it was serviceable. Syangye had an idea. Perhaps it was worth it to repair other thrown shoes and use them. His foot would thank him for that.

That weekend he went to the junkyard, searched for good pairs of shoes. The shoes went to a pile separate from everything else. He took them home and worked on them. He bough stronger needles, thicker threads and repaired all weekend long. He had three clean expensive-looking pairs by the next Monday.

That gave him an idea. He could try selling the repaired shoes, buy broken shoes for cheap and sell them at a marked-up price.

And that's how Syangye's sexy shoes came about.

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