Late sleeps, scary dreams, home hang, haymarket, tihar celebrations, new people, selroti, a goddamn good time, late to bed [Sat 14]

 It's 1.25 in the morning of the next...night or morning, whatever, and I need to sleep soon. This is the fourth and final post for the day because i just can't.

Got up at sevenish, went back, back up at eight-thirty. Meditated, ate, talked to folks, worked a little bit, watched a lot of tv. Had lunch of muri and my curry thing. Talked to roommate BB and his friend who was over.

I had a bad dream in my second sleep about how I was in both the US houses debating with the representatives, it was such a fucking nightmare. I'm wondering now if that was a sign my brain was trying to give me, telling me to not live i nthis country, that it'd be a bad idea. Idk.

To give plump to the day headed out for haymarket. No particular goal, just an exploration. Missed my bus. Got super duper sad, realized my weekends are empty and pointless I have nobody to talk to and nothing to do, we're all trapped in a cage that we cannot escape, bound by the thick chains of fate and destiny. We are prisoners shouting for solace unheard and not yielded at. I didn't really think all those things just felt a little bummed and empty. Walked a bunch, discovered a bus that was going my way, got up on it. Ended up in Haymarket. Bought 2 bucks of ripe plantains aka 20 pieces, and some berries. All worth three bucks. Walked to Park St., took the red line to davis, and went to RD's. Because roommate Pk had texted they were celebrating Tihar and invited me too. Hurray hurray. At this point I was feeling a LOT less existential already.

So much catching up and socializing happened. Two young people were there to talked to them made fool of myself and tried to entertain. Made fool more than entertain, probably. Let your weird fly out proud, they say. I'm not so proud but we're learning. We had selroti, chiura and alu ko tarkaari. I asked to clean the dishes but I ended up not doing it, feel bad a little now. We played a round of marriage and many many rounds of call break. I played one round by myself and lost. Then mentored SK who is an EMT right now and will eventually become a doctor, we teamed up and came second in the group of four though she'd have done better all by herself probably. Played until 11.30 almost, which is bed time for the group. We took tonnes of group pics, all of them turned out to be crap in the end. My bad people.

PK and ND took an uber to ND's place, APK took one to her campus. The two new folks hung out there, I walked home. Stared at nothingness for 30 minutes, sent the pics to everybody, listening to michael scott podcast, forced myself to write. Did 10 pushups, read one book about the hero with 1000 faces, should have meditated but just can't. It's too late. Will do it tomorrow.

Tomorrow's gonna be a good day. I can feel it already.

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