Writing exercise: A bizzare thirsty writing practice

Context: This is the part of the weekly writing sessions we've re-established, SK and I. We ended up with the prompt and I went wild with it. Probably the dirtiest thing I've written, ever? here. The way it worked was you wrote for as long as you wanted to, and said 'STOP', and then the other person would have to pick it up instantly. It's even more bizarre than the other strange pieces I've done here. Also so.o.o. thirsty, and that wasn't just me I'll have you know that.

 I love the color blue.

It’s mostly because that’s the color of my favourite kinda’ film, if you get my gist.

My favorite film is Blue, the Bollywood movie which is a multi-starrer. Also Kylie Minogue is randomly in it, singing the song Chiggy Wiggy? Kinda sad because the movie was a blockbuster flop. Although I do like the song.

And ohhh boy would I like to Chiggy Wiggy with Kylie, what a bombshell that babe huuh, that body, phew I have a hard time staying cool when watching that video, I’ve got that in my personal collection.

But I also cannot deny my undying love for Akshay Kumar in the movie. Wait, is he even in the movie or am I mixing him up with someone else? Either way, I still love him regardless. I can’t decide if I would rather chiggy wiggy him over Kylie. Perhaps both of them at once would be the best deal for me.

Because you know an ass is an ass.

And Akshay Kumar might be an ass for cheating on his wife, as the rumors have it. I thinkk it was with Shilpa Shetty. But he also has an okay ass so I’ll take it.

That’s all I’m after, a good round pair of firm ass, like pears or a perfect shiny apple, in its fruity glory ready to be fucked. Except I wouldn’t fuck a fruit obviously, unless by fruit you’re referring to an attractive person of dubious sexuality in which case, count me in, hot ticket!

After all, I’m not a girl and we don’t play with our food items like that. I once watched a movie where a girl fucked a cucumber and a carrot and boy, did it leave me absolutely traumatized and disgusted by these...vegetables? No I think cucumbers are fruits because they have seeds. But yes, as a guy, the only fruit I like is when a human girl is being called one. Not an actual fruit that grows on trees.

Because when you think about it, we’re all full of seed, the seed that makes the world go on, didn’t the world start as a seed itself, and then someone fucked it, or it fucked someone, depending on your political inclination, and the universe was created. Being horny for fruits and vegetables, not as physical items but as representations of sexuality is nothing to be weirded about, it’s only natural, it’s how we work it’s how the universe works. Which is why constant horniness seems to be the natural state of things.

But back to blue being my favorite color. I’m pretty sure this universe is also blue. I wonder how God decided to make this universe Blue? Like...what caused this color to...exist? How come everything is Blue? And what’s up with Lord Krishna being Blue like, why is a human (well when he was) Blue? Regardless, I do love how important the color is and hence have chosen it as my favorite color, of course, aside from my reasoning of it being my favorite movie.

You seen that blue chick, the one with human heads and a bloody tiger, with blood running down from her mouth, what about her huh? It’s like she’s the black widow and I’m the...whatever the black widow’s husband spider is called. If copulating with her….pardon my latin… meant I would have my head shorn off and body torn apart, my blood spread over a thousand yards, sign me up, because I’d like to copulate the crap outta’ her.

Also...the song! I’m Blue da ba dee da badai, da ba dee da badai, da ba dee da badai. Now listen up, here’s a story about a little girl who lived in a Blue house. And all day and all night and everything she sees is just Blue inside and outside...and I forget the rest of the lyrics. But somehow this song was MAD popular. And the lyrics are stupid. But I guess that’s how humans are. We like stupid things. I guess TikTok generation has always been a thing, which is why all the stupid songs trend, we just never had a platform like TikTok before to flaunt it. But it’s a cool song. And Blue generally refers to cool thing anyway such as water. So yes. Blue. I love it. Lots of reasons. I could go on and on. And I will.

So that’s the story of the song, it’s fast, got a good tune and you can just thrust at it without breaking your hips or boring anybody you know? Because you find a good boinking song, and it’s too slow and the other person is asleep, what are you still at it, she tells you two hours later and you’re like yeahhh babe, the fucking song it’s so slow. Or some songs, the rap ones they’re horny and everything but too quick, you chafe your man meat sometimes it gets so hot you can see sparks running around, dangerous if you’re in a highly explosive household. That song, man what an amazing song to boink to, I get horny just thinking about it.

I wish Kylie Minogue did chiggy wiggy with me to this song. The beats mixed with hers might actually produce something good, wouldn’t you say. Wow. Imagine the song Blue in the movie Blue. That really would be something COOL.

Oh Kylie, make me your sex slave!

I am a bottom so being a slave might not be the best idea for me as I would have to do all the work. But at the same time it’s for Kylie sooooo… maybe I could make an exception? Idk, we’ll see how happy she makes me in bed and how far I would be willing to go for her depending on how turned I am. Heheh.

What did SK mean when she said the above, I wonder?

SK definitely alluded to SP claiming to be a bottom.


RESPECT. Not GROSSpect. But some people don’t like it I guess. They only like blue...films.

WOW so fast, he said, sorry I don’t last that long, she said, who are we talking about again, right Kylie, what about her huuh.

But then again, there is also Kylie Jenner and now I’m wondering which of the Kylies is actually better? Both look like blue film material for me so maybe both.
Anyway this all has turned me on for so much I’m going to use my sex-toy vibrator in my room, toodles, there’s 30 more seconds to write hmm what am I gonna write.

But bringing it all back, blue vibrator zindabaad! As I like to say recently, stay vibrated folks. And stay blue! And blue not as in dead, but blue as in cool. And sexual. It should help us attain Nirvana.

It’s funny because BLUE is also the color of some dicks, I think, more like purple so...heh what a conincidence there.

I definitely enjoy leaving those men on blue balls, although they don’t. So it’s not I’m blue, it’s they’re blue da ba dee da badai, da ba dee da.

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