Fries-omeltte lunch, Primark Trip, pears and apples for dinner [Wed 18[

 It's 10.24, I should have slept an hour before but I didn't, it's on me sorry buds. Not gonna meditate either this evening, alas. Will read a page from the book and do my evening pushups, that's as far as I'll go. If I don't do an evening meditation tomorrow either, I should just remove it from my todo, what's the point of keeping it and never doing it.

Got up at 7, chilled around and wasted my time generally until 730, nice meditation restroom, chill, wrote the morning thing. Didn't get around to cleaning the room in the morning. Started work early today because I wanted to exceed expectations. Have been finding it harder to get shit tight in the morning, which is why I need to timebox things.

Work was busy and listless at the same time, got quite a few things done. Wrote in the morning, not much in the afternoon. Talked to a couple of people during work, no big deal. So many meetings though.

For lunch I pan toasted my breads, they're growing mold slowly threw away the gross parts and fridged up the rest. Heated some frozen potato fries, then fried them a bit, dumped to eggs on them to make 'potato fries omelette', something they apparently do in East Africa, cut half a tomato and plopped a few chugs of spicy hot sauce, and turned it into a sandwich. If I had put in a little more effort into the egg that'd have been an amazing meal, a solid meal still.

Work was busy until late in the day. So spent 4.30 - 5.10 writing for the work journal because i haven't been writing during the day, need to get that figured out. Headed out of the house at 5.15. I needed a good place to go, and some clothes too, so thought of walking to Primark. It was going to a very long walk on a very cold and windy day. So I walked over to Maghoun Square instead, took the 89 and then the train to Downtown Crossing. Bought a couple of pairs of really nice trousers, fancy underpants and this is something I'm very excited to talk about, a really reasonable pair of moccasins made from 3M material that's machine-washable. What a win.

Walked over to Park Street, saw the poor "Copenhagen" store shutting down, everything there is 50 cents now. On one hand such a cute store that's closing down. On the other hand lets be real they're all cheap crappy poorly made materials that are made in substandard factories in China that have been rebranded, there's nothing fundamentally great about them except...they're trying to use the 'white people name', which has stopped working at this point. Contrast this against Uniqlo which also manufactures in China, like pretty much every country on the planet, but is proud of its Asian heritage. East Asian brands need to be a thing.

Took the Red Line to Davis, but got off at Porter because I wanted a nice walk, got lost for five minutes. After getting back tried some of the fries roommates had headed up (they had grilled cheese with bacon, roasted small cabbage-like things, and fries) cut up an apple and a red pear, and had some kefir. Fruits and dairy was my dinner. Not bad at all.

Watched way to many episodes of Arrested Development than I should have. Have I started thinking of this as a chore, because I need to re-evaluate my life if this is a chore that I'm avoiding.

Came in at 9, started writing, got distracted a bunch, texted a bunch of people including the new SK who's not feeling too good about the village, and checked up on a couple of people who're starting to feel gloomy about everything. Writing this now, will pushup and read real quick, and in bed after brushing in ten, hopefully fifteen minutes max.

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