Great goddamn beginning of a new week, so late to bed [Mon 16]

It's 12.50, it's way way too late, I should have gone to bed earlier.

Just finished reading a few pages of the Campbell book, and 10 pushups. Before that I was on reddit for like 2 hours, and then chatting up my international friends for 1 hour. Watched something on the tv, I forget what for sometime. Talked to SK for almost an hour, we hadn't talked in a while and I was afraid she had the virus, apparently it was a wrong diagnosis for the friend of the friend of the roommate that scared her. We caught up on horror, future plans, job plans which may be looking very good and potential short-distance travel.

I had sat down to write before I started talking to her. Looked up youtube for a bit. Chilled by the couch. Texted a new friend a bunch, trying to convince them to move because that's what you do, you hassle people do to things that benefit you so much they stop talking to you.

Skipped dinner tonight, felt too full. Had two pieces of fruits and a couple of handfuls of nuts instead. It's as good as any other 'healthy' diet, don't judge, fruits and nuts are a great combo.

Went to Wegmans for a walk at 6.30, spent a very long time buying not a lot of things. Ladies Finger, the vegetable, is so goddamn expensive, four bucks for 12oz, how is this not highway robbery. I brought it in anyway. Need to make something good out of it or else I'll be really mad. Maybe that's what I should do, farm it and sell it to Wegmans.

Before going to Wegmans I took a nice shower, after getting up. I'd gone to take a nap right after work, and gotten up an hour later. It was refreshing. Unfortunately that fucked up my sleep cycle, so...yeah. Hopefully that sleep can still count towards my nights sleep.

Talked to TD on the phone after work for 45 minutes, good catchup.

Didn't write anything at work, pretty much. The first half of the day I was too stressed to write, and the second half, too relieved. Coworker AA, who I've written about earlier saved my butt big big big time, I'm not stressed or worried about anything anymore.

Lunch was the leftover egg curry turned into sandwich for my special bread. I need to stop buying expensive bread I can't finish, I don't eat enough of them. Or buy half-loaves from Wegmans, that's probably the better option. Loaded the bread slices up with butter chunks before toasting, and yum, the butter-cheese-eggcurry combo was amazing.

Nervous about everything in the morning, but ended up completing my work anyway, it looked good, didn't have to worry about anything at all. I need to get my shit together and get really hardcore with work. I know I can do it, while still paying attention to my extra curricular interests. I can excel at work without stressing. Don't stress, ever, not worth it.

In the morning, meditated, pushed-up, did everything else. Got up at 7am, thanks to the alarm I set up, but really out of the bed at 7.30. And now I need to disable the alarm because 6 hours of sleep is not enough.

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