Sound sleep, early awake, meditation, productive workday, double grocery store trip, writing catchup, breads and sandwiches [Tue 10]

 It's exactly 11.00 on the dot as I write this, I'll finish this and go to bed. I'm a little late than I hoped to be, but I'm getting caught up with the post counts, running only 10 posts behind today, compared to 32 from two days ago. At this rate I should be in a comfortable place in three days. Thinking of becoming more ambitious and aiming for 140+ this month. We'll see how close we get.

I've been writing since 8.30 in the evening. Wrote a bunch, took a shower and brushed and wrote bunch again. Talked to VS for almost an hour, and other folks called me too which delayed the writing, but this is acceptable, as long as I fall asleep soundly. Haven't been having trouble with that.

I got back from my walk at 7.30. Watched Grand Tour with roommate BB, PK was out for the night. Fried a couple of veggie meatballs I brought from Aldi, with bread, sauces, cheese and kimchi, a poor man's meatball sandwich without the marinara. Watched the GT for more, and then started writing.  Put on the new wax melt [unstressing one] that I got at Wegmans earlier with the tealight candle underneath. Need to get on that wax melt game again.

Headed out for a walk at 5, almost to the dot. Thought about going to the Egyptian restaurant to take a carryout then saw they were closed today, glad I checked. Walked to Aldi through the Assembly Square, listened to the Scrub's podcast on the way. It was dark as hell but the forest was still bright perhaps the moon was high or large. At Aldi I ggot some nuts, chocolate and the veggie meatball. Wanted to get the ultrasonic toothbrush they had for sale but I didn't know if it was effective or what so abandoned on that.

Walked over to Wegmans after, got tealight candles, hundred count for less than six bucks, and wax melt. The line for self-checkout was longer than it took me to shop. It's wild how busy it's on a random Tuesday evening, don't understand why people are rushing the supermarkets it's not like there's going to be a total lockdown order anytime soon.

Finished work at 4.30, wrote for fifteen minutes, because work was busy with meetings and coding, didn't get too much time to write. Put on clothes and cleaned room a bit, headed out by 4.55.

Work was almost entirely comprised of meeting, the few hours I had for myself I spent doing serious work. For lunch I had an apple, a banana, some chocolate and my oatmeal-syrup bread with scrambled eggs on the side plus store-bought salsa. It was yum, realized the storebought salsa is a whole different beast from homemade salsa, they shouldn't be called salsa at all really.

Had a great lunchtime conversation with the eap counselor, we talked about politics and migration, fear and anxiety and how migration is an inherent part of human existence, it shouldn't be seen as a part of escape etcetera. Felt good. Told him about the low stress situation lately.

Got up at 7 in the morning, 40 minutes in the bed, did 15 minutes of meditation on the bed it felt like fifteen, I need to get up earlier. Even though I had to use the loo at 4.30, was able to go to sleep easily. Did other important things in the morning, aka cleaned my room real well, and folded my laundry. This was a very productive morning, need to get up at 6 and start doing many more things. Also started doing the checklist thing. Slow and easy, taking it low. Keeping you updated.

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