Closing out things in Boston

The order of these posts is going to be wonky, all the best figuring out what's happening when!

Here's the situation, for some time I'll be out of Boston and I'll need to be packing out my belongings, meeting friends and closed ones, and generally closing out things in Boston for the short term. Obviously I'll be back when work from site opens up later in the year, until then however adventures ahoy!

So first things first, gotta clear out my belongings. Which means a large number of my clothes will be thrown out as I've not work them in conservatively...eight years? I just carry them around, always hoping the next year will be when I finally wear it but it never works out. Second, my books. Gonna store them in the basement and pick them back up. Concerned about furniture because somebody else will be in my room and it'll be tricky to get rid of everything all by myself. Told the roomies I'd happily craigslist them away, they told me to not bother too much about it. Which is a bit of a relief, whatever.

It's a little surprising that after all these years, I have so much yet so little. Nothing that'll not fit in four checked baggage to another city, thinking I could probably do without the fourth one as well. It'll be fun traveling light, relatively speaking.

Will go to NYC over the weekend, catch up with friends, but also bid them adieu for a year. It'll be a bit of a heartbreak as trips to the City had been getting more frequent in recent years.

Then to do a few last hurrahs back in Boston. Like I explained in posts back in April, the last hurrah of sorts has happened, we're all going our way and this is a definite departure from the state of affairs as they are in Boston. The city I'll come back to will be different, I'll need to make new friends, find new circles get new interests hobbies roommates etcetera. So the meetings will be significant.

Other bits and bobs here and there: figuring out what to pack, where to pack, the baggage carrier to pack at. How to get to the airport, because I don't want to get screwed by those online taxi companies once again. And with multiple checked luggage I definitely want to get to the airport way, wayyy in advance.

This and the next weekend, they'll be busy ones, and so will the weekdays, meeting everybody.

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