Apartment cleaned, lots of reading and writing, calls with friends and family, volunteer park walk, potato pie reheating failed, apartment becomes livable and nice! [Sat 25]

I'm writing this the day after, got so much writing done, so much resting and relaxing that it feels..a little wrong that nothing big remains pending. Only thing left to do is complete today's journal posts and I'm all set after this. Oh and still the April journals and project 120 (reduced from 240 because I've been writing like a demon for my daily posts) but besides that...Yeah. Like I can maybe start thinking seriously about my hindu mythology podcast seriously at this point, forreals this time.

Right, back to scheduled programming.

In the morning I cleaned up the kitchen and living room, man doing the dishes after a big party used to feel like such a big deal back when I started inviting people but the longer I do it, the easier it feels because it's mostly about loading and unloading the dishwasher at the very worst. At the absolute awfulness limit of cleaning up, I have to do two rounds of dishwashing which is not the worst, it's pretty good all things considered. Ed Gamble from off menu podcast apparently does all the cleanup while people are just chatting and drinking up and doesn't even feel like he's cleaning up so by the time everyone is done, the place is cleaned up as well and while I don't drink really, it's something I should look into.

Talked to parents and PN and N in the day.

Read a bunch of books in my kindle and wrote like 20 posts during the course of the day, which was...great.

Went to Volunteer park for afternoon walk, took only two rounds because I thought I'd come back and go to the indian store thus getting my full steps but didn't do that so I was short by 400 to get the 10k steps.

In the evening I played around with tea making and drinking and got really spicy tea in almond milk, not ideal. Also the texture was all weird. NG told me they use some oat milk that's available in Asian stores and whole foods that's got the right flavor and texture, should look into that, because otherwise it feels like drinking hot chocolate, the whole experience.

Tried reheating the potato pie for 40 minutes to get the insides cooked, as I wrote, failed, discovered the important role of heat transfer in baking and how I'd have to deconstruct the pie to eat thereon.

The apartment, outside my living room looked really nice! The bedroom remains a challenge to maintain and make look nice, but a future post will deal with the options I'm exploring to fix that matter.

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