Medical checkup, Vietlicious lunch, walk to work and back, making new friends, audiobook in one big gulp, leftover dinner, late to bed [Tue 28]

Early in the morning-ish, went to the test lab to get my blood tested. I got good news and bad news, the good news is my weight is constant, the blood sugar is good, and I haven't gotten much fatter. The bad news is the carbohydrates situation is quite terrible and so is trigyceraides, which means I need to eat better and work out better, the two worse things that can happen to one.

Got lunch at Vietlicious on the way back, it was yummy, wrote a review of it here.

Went to office in the afternoon, met a bunch of new and old coworkers, made new friends, didn't get anything good to drink because it was all gone by the time I reached there, and then finally fixed the office ID card situation so I don't have to use both my cards, which was a stupid situation.

Listened to the audiobook on the history of vice, didn't write until late in the evening and then went to bed super duper late because of 'reasons'.

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