Brewing book, ill-fitting earbuds arrive, nice luxurious walk to volunteer interlaken loop, high spirits, chickpea cooked, eggplant and chickpea with rice for dinner, parents call, 100 posts [Sat 18]

In the morning got up quite early, started this book on brewing and finished it more or less by 11. My new Bluetooth earbuds had arrived so I wore them on my volunteer-Interlaken walk, but they are quite ill-fitting without the rubber pins And they come out so easily ugh. I have to buy the rubber caps separately now. But man, the walk was hella nice and relaxing. Had sandwich for lunch.. Cooked chickpeas from scratch in the pressure cooker, first time ever, and added my own spices.

Ehhh. Not so much better than canned.. 

Posted 100 posts from the kindle to the blog, talked to parents in the evening read a bunch, and went to bed around 10, which is like super late for these times!

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