Egg and potatoes for lunch, wasting time in the cold, afternoon nap, earbuds arrive, new rental agreement is received, walk to volunteer park, audiobooking, sandwich dinner, much reading and writing, late to bed [Thu 30]

I'm writing this on Sunday evening, as usual writing on the weekend has taken a bit of a backseat due to being specially busy. No worries, the writing shall continue.

Had eggs and potatoes for lunch, skipping the pancakes entirely this time around because there was so much fucking potatoes, I needed to finish them, it was already a week of eating leftovers!

Hella cold outside in the apartment, I just shivered, took a nap and chilled. Went downstairs and discovered the new earbuds and my new rental agreement explaining the rent increase had arrived. Have couple of months to make decision there.

Went to volunteer park while listening to audiobooks, walked for the standard 3 rounds. Made sandwich with tofu for dinner at home, read a bunch in my kindle, wrote like a bunch of posts, and went to bed really really late because it was friday the next morning and I was feeling quite unmotivated to write.

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