I have organized my spices and flours and cereals like a king, this will make cooking so much easier

This happened last week, got around to writing it just now, but what has happened over the last two weeks is I unpacked all the spices and cereals and flours I brought from Nepal and decided to put them in the kitchen. But my kitchen organization was not perfect, so I had to consolidate a bunch of jars, throw old ones out, and bring larger jars from 'storage area' to the forefront because I had like 5lb flour packets to keep. Millet and buckwheat and sattu stuff mostly. And then replace the spices or add new ones.

And that went so smoothly, I'm actually excited to use my kitchen now. Like everything is perfectly arranged and labelled, I know exactly where to look for something, and if I'm not sure I can always check for the labels. Yeah the old spices aren't as well-labelled as the new jars, but eventually everything will be properly labelled and put, and it'll be the height of organized cooking, it's still pretty good though.

Feels so good to organize things, know what lies where, and use your tools and ingredients like you know them like that back of your hand man, the level of comfort with my kitchen and a sense of ownership was all I needed, it turns out, to start cooking more, in a regular pattern!

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