How the hell does walking in the cold make me so relaxed?

This is one observation I've had for the past two years that I wan't to understand the science and psychology of.

My favourite Seattle weather is crisp and a bit cloudy, and my favourite activity during that is to go on a walk listening to something funny.

I was doing that earlier today, and the amount of peace and joy I got out of the whole thing was... something they tell stories to people about. Remember how I mentioned Ananda and having a ball of a time in Seattle? It was that specific experience, so easily accessible, that I was talking about. That something so simple and easy and regular can bring so much joy is fascinating.
Though since I'm reading the book Flow, it shouldn't be too surprising because that is what my flow state was, and I think the idea is for one to train themselves to be in that mindset in all the other everyday tasks too. Writing? Gives one joy and ecstasy! Cleaning dishes? Yes of course! Cleaning the bathroom? Oh please what could possibly be more £"" Loving that book, and excited about finding myself in constant state of ecstasy by training myself how to!

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