I might make back kindle's worth in Library books

I have been borrowing, flipping through, and reading so many freaking books in my New Kindle. Oh yeah, I said, right, that I can borrow library books in my new device. Turns out I can do that in the old one too, but that's neither here nor there.

The point is, I've read or flipped through a good number of books, self-help or otherwise (not into fiction yet because you really really need to get into those and I'm scared of being real addicted in them), and will be doing so in the future too. And I've complained about how I spent so much money on the device? Well if I'm like borrowing 300 books a year, if I'd otherwise do like a hundred, plus posting hundreds to thousands of posts on the device, the machine will have paid for itself with my intellectual growth in less than a year. Now that's something worth investing in!

Looking good at this point, kindle!

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