Four posts a day for the new year?

What a hectic couple of months the last few months have been, with me and this blog. For two months I was averaging

5 posts a day and then sir freaking posts for the last few months. And yeah I've brought down project 240 to 100, still going to go into the next year but have to make do. But the pressure is a bit too much perhaps? 

I'd originally slotted 30 mins per post in 2019, and it's a good day if I give 10 minutes a post. That's not fair. First you do it, then you do it right, then go do it better. The first part has been done, need to give myself the space for the other two. For 4 years I wrote 4 posts a day, going up by 50% just like that isn't fair, not without planning, dedication and a vision of the success.

Soo yeah, for the new year I want to see if I can give myself breathing space by posting only four articles a day. We shall see.

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