My apartment smells... oily and gross

I'm back in Seattle, after having left my apartment pretty much untouched by any humans for slightly more than a month. And oh there's stank, some serious funk, I now see the benefits of airing out the rooms every so often, because there's this oily old-peoples place smell that has permeated deep within the carpets and walls and all parts of my abode. The first day back I spent all day long using incense and scented candles to take care of the situation, and it was no bueno. Then I started opening up the windows for hours and hours, because maybe the outside smells would overpower this oily deeply yucky stench, and uhhh maybe?

I can't smell it anymore, but it's not clear to me whether I had any part to play in the outcomes, got used to the smell. Oh what a terrible discovery it would be if this is how I found that my apartment always smells like this but I've been desensitized to the smell all this time, and this is the first occasion where I'm finding it out. But no, forreals, it's clear the windows need to open up even in the worst of the winters, and the slight increase in the cost of heating is nothing compared to the misery of having to live in the utter disgust.

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