Magnusson park with the girls, dinner with GS and AKS [Sun 31]

lazy morning, book reading, catching up with friends and family, dal beans and quinoa for lunch, magnsusson park with the girls and AS, dinner with GS and AS, socialized but unproductive weekend

Didn't do much in the morning despite waking up relatively early. Read a couple of books on my phone, and caught up with friends and family. AS was away for lunch, so I watered the plants, spent a few hours cleaning up the kitchen because the dishwasher is faulty af and  it's much more effective and almost quicker just to do it by hand. Definitely better for me as a person. Lunch was just leftovers from earlier: dal, kidney beans and quinoa.

In the afternoon the girls came over, picked me up and we picked AS in Ravenna, and we spent an hour or two sitting, chilling, chatting by the lakeside at Magnusson park. They dropped us home, and soon GS came and we had chhyang and dinner with him. Later at night I should have written and felt really guilty about it, but I didn't, and just was on the phone and slept. There's something about being around other people that gives me anxiety, makes me go on the phone and want to avoid my chores.

Slept pretty early in the evening, perhaps that's why I woke up two hours earlier than my standard time the next morning.

March-end, April plans and other random chatter

The month of March, one of the top 3 months of the year, has ended. There's some regrets because it has passed us by without me publishing the v1 of the website, but you know there's no competition for the biggest regret ever, or an olympics for grievances so what's the point even. I'll save the grief for something that's more productive. Overall I'm quite proud of myself, because we got back on the checklist track, made my workflow quite efficient, read and internalized a tonne of books, got so much more ambitious than I have been traditionally, and things are a-rockin'. Weekend chores are still un-anchored, a problem we'll deal with in the weekend. Maybe even the coming one. Not my problem right now.

April plans are many, but mostly additive, and nothing drastic. Read books, make strategies to implement them, try them out, write down their summaries. That's the biggest one. Improving the website is an important goal, but truth be told I've been doing this all this time too. And podcast will be interesting for sure, as it has been on the radar for a bit now, but ugh it's a new technology and a new medium, I'm so very unsure where to go with that, considering all the podcasters I know start after taking improv comedy classes. Ah well.

The summer is here, it's likely I'll be out of the house lots more often. Walking, going to the office, hiking, swimming, so forth. Seattle is fantastic in the summer, a piece of the heavens in our little world. What that means for the blog, who even knows. Besides April I'll have two more months in this town before heading out for the East in July, must have something spicy in the bag to spend all that time productively.

Mushroom plans are probably overdue, I've talked a lot and done very little, it's got to be the next couple of weeks or so, that's the biggest new project I can think of. Everything else is adding materials and getting back on the slowed boat.

Happy April fool's day everyone!

Might it be the time to make some big considerations?

At some point one must seriously start making considerations and decisions. What might be the best course of action? What are one's goals behind existing decisions? How might one align one's actions to one's goals? And what kind of person might one be comfortable engaging in a long term partnership with? Some questions are obvious, and others are tricky to answer because answering them involves some form of 'depends'. It's specially hard if it's you who has to decide what the variables are, and what weight they should be given as a response to the 'depends' question. Plus, if they wanted to do something about it they would probably have brought it up before, and not wait for you, no? It's not like there aren't other guys, guys who have happened to have seen women in the past who had already won the national beauty pagent. Or perhaps this is all a massive overthinking situation, and maybe some things are just that simple, as long as you can figure out a way for them to get rid of the habit. It's a bit one, ideally you won't have to live with it because it's a very important lifestyle choice. And that could make it more challenging for them to quit. Or the other way. This is all fantasy, one end to the other, but if it did work out, things will have appeared to be so 'simple' in retrospective, though it newer was that way in reality. Perhaps this is another way people explain to themselves things are fine though? Like who knows what the future holds, but if I were to be a betting man, I'd very much buy a ring, or something else quite shiny, for somebody I might be aware about. Do any of the parties have a good sense of what the future is to come? Who cares, and I'll be responsible for the trespassing anyway. It's just minor walking on private property near national parks people, it's not like I'm rustling cattle or chasing cheep, alright? Quite clearly there's already so much measurement problem talking to the deputies and so forth, this would be a step up, all things considered.

Twelve things because it's that time of the month again

I was going to write fiction here, but I didn't feel like it. Live. Wid it. Suckazz.Also, it's the end of the month when I'm rapidly running out of ideas on writing anything at all, alas. I do need to spend one hour a day writing here, and that will happen soon, maybe even on this week. Today specifically however, is not the right time for it. Say what you will.

  1. People who you think are actually quite smart and know exactly what they're doing, but turns out they didn't fully consider the consequences of their actions and now you're on the hook for it and you don't hate them, just so very disappointed.

  2. Money you lent to friends you haven't met in a very long time that's most definitely not getting returned. But that's the last of money that'll be lent to acquaintances.

  3. Sunny early spring days where all you want to do is nap, cos why not

  4. Books so deep, even the kola superebore hole barely reaches as far as the introductions\

  5. Newspapers 'modifying' the published dates on their website articles so it looks like they update more frequently than they really do.

  6. Eating out in Asian restaurants.

  7. Oh this is where I get my fish, that could be interpreted as a statement about fish and chips, or gold fish the fish. Or in some ways both, pretty sure there's a decorative fish shop somewhere that also sells fried fish meat...

  8. People taking your spices

  9. Teas, so many freakin' teas that excite you to no end!

  10. Women you thought were single and ready to mingle getting partnered up in a matter of few short weeks...

  11. Children too smart for their own good, that they resist emotional growth

  12. Rice grains, all over the apartment, spilled

Rush job dinner supplies from co-op with rajma, dal malai, and quinoa-rice for friends [Sat 30]

Beans and rice for breakfast, friend AS comes in, daylong working the ai on my website, skipped walk, rush grocery trip to tj's and then the co-op, accidental nice latenight dinner, crappy bollywood hijack movie, AR(e) for dinner, late to bed

Had beans and rice for breakfast, chilled at home in the morning, read a bunch. Spent several hours adding photos for the ideas pages in my website, and copying all the writing material from my notepad app to the website. Realized that the change of medium is actually a significant consumer of time and is such an unnecessary waste. Friend AS came in early afternoon, we chilled and hungout for a while, started walking to Cal Anderson park but didn't, and I worked more on the site, skipping the work on the website because I'm a lazy git.

In the evening AR and AS were getting dinner here, so I rushed to TJ's to get onions and tomato and garlic, but alas it had just shut. Went to the nearby fancy store instead, paying twice as much probably. Made rajma ko tarkari, a nice daal makhani with homemade nut butter, and rajma. Grains of rice and quinoa. It was heaven, in such short notice too. We watched crappy bollywood movie about a hijacked plane and diamonds on some phone. Was up till like 2 in the morning.

Happy Chocolate bunny eggs celebration festival y'all!

Happy Chocolate bunny eggs celebration festival y'all! On these day, the rabbit God comes to earth and gives all young children and older people large chocolate eggs, which when kept around for some time, will hatch a or item of ancient property. Like underwear-colored ships and one would be likely to not be found. But in those times of energy thanks to adrenaline, one is not really thinking about the specifics of the eggs, the dimanods, or even the hole on the hero's pain.

Unsure what else is there for the celebrating the dream.

I've gotten better at generating ai images, and learned the hard way to control text generation

The other day, which means yesterday I spent a few good hours generating images for my website when I should have been writing new pieces for a blog section of it. Because generating ai images is more fun and has a lower threshold of fear of failure. And you know what, whereas I'd be spending 20-30 minutes generating good images for a post in the past, it's down to like a few minutes, or ten minutes at the most. And I've also gotten better at controlling the direction of ai's text generation. I can see when it begins verring off the tracks and significantly misunderstand the intentions behind one's words. I see it as a great strength for me because if one wants to use a tool for any task, one needs to be aware of the weakness of the opponent and the strengths of one's allies and pick and choose one's goal. And with the statements and political decision suppressed so hard. In fact a couple of my dad's cousins were/are in the council for electing random independent characters, and even the orangeman. It is wild times, surely.

Midnight walk to volunteer park, blog-writing until 3am, cancelled dinner with PS [Fri 29]

Quinoa, kimchi and beans for lunch, oats and spicy savories for dinner, latenight walk to the park, middady nap, cancelled dinner, massive blog writing extremely late at night but eventually caught up, serious website work too!

Writing this on the afternoon of Sunday because Saturday got busy hosting friends, working on the website, and just relaxing.

On Friday I had quinoa kimchi and beans for lunch, and savory oats in the dinner. I've come to appreciate rolled oats as a legitimate meal option at this point.

Took a long midday nap since evening dinner was cancelled, and 'consumed' the book on reflections by the stanford d school in two ways: audiobook and the ebook version on my kindle app. I'm quite impressed by this, unlike most other d school series books. Will write about it either here or on the blog soonish.

Went to walk quite late at night, think it was quarter past ten when I started, and quarter to midnight by the time I got back. Forced myself to sit and write, and eventually kept writing eight posts until quarter to three in the morning. Also, during the day wrote a couple of posts for the website, which is why I didn't get much blog writing done.

Costco deliveries rock?

PN set me up with their online costco account and I tried ordering something, the retailer cancelled it for one reason or other, but they gifted my shopping cart to me anyway for my birthday. And now I'm realizing how much costco deliveries rock? They're not like going to the store obviously, but they come quite close. One can choose to order from their vast warehouse supplies at cut-throat prices, and delivery is free of cost on orders 75 bucks. Helloo 3lb of nuts, hello 180 pack of stash tea, hi there a new fancy knife set, oh hello good set of stainless pan sold by one of the more reputable brands. It's like amazon, but if Amazon were actually reliable, and actually cheap, instead of just convenient. Plus there order offerings changes every week or month, so there's always new items to check and try, and fantasize about. Yeah, costco online, and their deliveries do rock quite a lot!

Anchoring habits during weekends: round 2. How do I do it?

We have talked about this before, so it's worth talking again because things didn't change much since. I can get my weekday chores in order, because I wake up on time, I have work to go to, then I have a couple of 'triggers' that I can align myself to. But on weekends? Hard. Go to bed late because shit happens, then get up late because want to catch up on the snooze, then can't get anything good to happen as I'm cleaning the house, writing or relaxing. I don't feel the pressure really, do get shit done, which is the opposite of what other people do. It's like my weekends don't feel special anymore and all I do is relax, walk a little bit. Which is fine. But why don't I do more, the weekends are hundred percent my personal time, they should be leveraged into opportunities for self-discovery, growth, fun and exploration. But here we are, unable to setup anchor for our good habits, struggling with even the basest of productive tasks, and lumbering around, feeling guilty for not doing anything. Sad state of affairs this is, no two minds. Anything I can do to anchor events should be good. Perhaps I should try doing something starting next weekend, huuh?

Cooking isn't really as big of a deal, if you're down to the tacks

Last night I was given a short notice: I'd be hosting a dinner for a couple of people within an hour. Go! It was the worst possible time to discover that because trader joe's had shut down, and I didn't have any fresh veggies or fruits at home. So I rushed to the co-op, bought a canned tomato, couple of priceyy onions and an garlic, and bam, an hour-and-half later we had a scrumptuous meal! All this time I'd been resisting cooking for myself with the excuse that there was nothing good in the house, no ingredients, nothing worth cooking, and anything I cooked could end up being horrible. Egg. On. My. Face, things were incredible, actually?

So it turns out if you're stocked up on raw beans, lentils, and grains, cooking is just a matter of creating wild concoctions by mixing them together. It's not like our ancestors were eating fresh veggies in the middle of the winter either, they spent several months of the years eating preserved and dried goods, rehydrating and stewing for hours. I make a big deal out of cooking because of the laziness, and the resistance to cooking, not because it's a fundamentally difficult task. That's the take-home message.

The best dal I've made

Yesterday I made the best dal I've ever made, and that's saying a lot because I make good dals. They're fancy, they're rich and they're thick. And yesterday I outdid myself. Used the pre-soaked moong beans, and dal makhani spices, but I didn't have cream of any sort! So what did I do? I blended up some cashews and pistachios with water, and put those in there! Some bayleaves, a bit of sour kombucha vinegar, msg, chilli pepper, salt, and evoo later, we ended up with a thick creamy rich dal that's been getting better the more it sits in the fridge.

I did something else that was wild, which I'm proud of. Made two pressure cooker dishes in one go, using two different cookers. That way, I could probably cook two pressure cooked dishes, two pans or pot dishes, one rice cooker dish, and one air-fryer dish, meaning I could easily do six items plus an achaar in one batch, without needing to wait for the previous batch to finish. That opens so. many. possibilities!

Me? A behind the scenes political power broker? Why, yes please I'd like that very much!

I'm writing this inspired by the conversations I had with several different groups of people the other day. I said to everybody that the difference between a politician and an activist was that politicians tried creating coalitions and organizers had their jobs of riling everybody up and fighting for their cause. Folks acted like this was such a deep, genius realization and thanked me for the observation. And now I'm thinking, maybe I can guide great people, great leaders towards greater aspirations, into higher positions. Hanging with politically inclined folks in such activist circles already makes it quite likely that one will have spent time with at least one future politician or more.

Maybe, it's possible, I don't have the temperance for becoming a great political leader. I mean I might, but there's a chance the world is not ready for this kind of leadership. It won't be a big deal if that were to be a case then, since I will get to be the political mind, the ideologue, the theorist and the political philosopher driving and inspiring the great leaders. Like a consiglieri  whispering into a great don's ears, I will be able to mold the world to my vision without having to acquire the skills to actually win elections. Oh, a behind-the-scene political broker, who can shape the future and decide who might win and who might not, who could lead and who could not? Yeahhh, I like the concept, I'd like that very much, thank you!

Follow-up on the China content, and minor predictions

Earlier this year I made a few predictions on what might be transpiring in China and how events might unfold. I claimed 'something big' should be happening soon because there was lots of weird, conflicting signals coming from all the sides.

I believe now that my prediction might have been a premature and an overreaction, or that China is much stronger than suppressing dissent or 'internal security issues' than I imagined. The fundamental problems are still the same, and through its reactionary steps to fix them, the government is digging itself deeper. As readers will remember, their property market is crashing, their average salaries are going down, their provincial government don't make enough revenue even for debt service, and their private industries are shrinking while their inefficient state-run orgs are expanding. What is new is that the government has decided to blame it on the stock market and the banks, and is now killing the goose that laid the golden eggs. It's also slowly and eventually nationalizing all their productive industries, while it claims to be doing the opposite. It's trying to force the economy into acting a certain way by Diktak. They seem to not have realized that the people and the government are not completely aligned in the self-image of what it means to be China and Chinese in this day and age. Their demographics situation is still as much of a mess, and by blaming it all on the women and asking them to pop out babies I foresee they're going to fuck it up even worse. Their consumption income is going down, from the already low rates it was.

Perhaps fearful of the public due to all of these concerns, now they're overinvesting in their internal security apparatus, which is taking the limited budget out of the state coffers. Because of the heavy police control, any 'big' negative events are unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future, but exactly because of such investments, the governments is making itself less responsive to public feedback, and making the system of governance more brittle. It will soon come a day when people will consider that point when they went all in on a totalitarian system to be the beginning of the downfall of the party.

TeKu cafe discovery with activism group, letter writing to representatives, two slices of decent pizza [Thu 28]

 quinoa for lunch, cafe Teku for social event, the best goddamn non-alchoholic beer ever, falling in love with that place what a stout, fun long conversations and connecting people of one's kind, home so freaking tired and exhausted, food from Mama whatever on the way, unable to function after coming home, out of action, straight to deep sleep yikess.

Had quinoa and kimchi for lunch, boring old, not much to write. Wrote a few posts for the website, unfortunately not much in here, which is why I struggle right now. Went to TeKu cafe for a social event in the evening, the activism event. It was way more funner and engaged than I ever imagined. We wrote letters to our local representatives, made plans for future events, and had engaging political debates. Also I freaking love that place, it's got the best selection of god-tier non-alchoholic beers that I hadn't even dreamed of because who knew you could get a stout with no booze in it! I was there until half past nine when my original plan was to head out at 8. They didn't sell food, which means by the time I got close to home on food, hunger was the overwhelming emotion. Ordered two slices of pizza from Mama whatever near my place, nine bucks for those isn't the worst for this town and the flavor was actually decent for Seattle. I was unable to properly function after getting home, low on energy and so freakin' tired. Out of action, I collapsed on my bed, unconscious without noticing, didn't even brush or anything. So powerful.

All the goddamn grains are here, and storage concerns and cleaning concerns are arising

There's 80 lbs of grains...millet, sorghum, rye and my living room. It's reasonable to ask I think at this point if it was maybe not the best idea, specially without pre-planning on the storage containers because there's no place to put them in. It's an issue because if I open the zip-ties the plastic containers are locked with, the grains will be exposed to open air and the vermins that might come up with it. It's not ideal as this area is quite rampant with fat scary rats. Need to buy food-safe buckets with covers otherwise the management will be tricky.

Secondly, the grains, while organic and clean, are not the highest graded quality. Meaning I will have to spend some time winnowing them and cleaning them multiple times before boiling or steaming. As if they had been grown in Nepal and were being processed there too. Like my parents and grandparents and ancestors have been doing for all these years. I thought I could run away from it all, but it wasn't that easy, was it?

It'll definitely be worth it. Need to approach the whole situation with proper thought, planning and vision on how to accomplish what my goals are.

Plans made for the work situation

This is gonna be quick.

Here's the dealio. I have decided. I will be actually, properly working at work in an undisturbed manner for 2-3 hours daily, which is on average some hours more than what I do currently. I will focus on the work, and make the best effort to complete it. They deserve that much. I'm paid decently, I like my team and my group, and the direction where we're going. I also don't like the feeling of terrible guilt at the thought of always shirking off work.

This will help me feel less guilty about laziness and taking forever to get even the simplest tasks done. It will make me more confident and clearheaded about being productive with other tasks at work. And finally, this will create a clear path for me to begin creating a good working habit, a positive work ethic in the future. Because I've created such bad habits with regards to work, they will surely bite me on the tush when I get the job of my dreams. So this is another step towards turning myself into the worker of my own dreams, by getting my shit together. To be strongly working on the issues and products I'm passionate on, I'll need to have a clearheaded mind and a great dedication to work, and this will help me do that.

Perhaps the next big project should be the podcast, and a massive pro-career move, in parallel

Now that March is ending, and I've set a clear goal for what v1 of my website is going to be, here's a summary of the likeliest next steps.

A quick reminder: the early part of January was completing project 120, the later was the website planning. February was writing content for my website mostly, March has involved posting content for the website and making technical changes. The finish line is close, I can see it.

So what's in the bag for April? I've written about several possibilities, including the novel project. I have many ideas swimming inside me for the novel plot, but it's not the right time. Not yet. It will happen, I promise, much sooner than it'll feel like. But not in April.

For work writing, I have created a clear goal for myself. Write and publish two pieces weekly, each at 750 words or more. Do 4 illustrations in the same time, among other things. And so forth. The planning documents are well-organized, so hopefully that shouldn't be too much of a hassle. I will have one entire writing session empty, and it's possibly I'll use it to write novels, but that seems premature to think about right now.

Instead, the direction I'm seriously considering for my personal time is to make some progress with my 'aspirational' career goal that made me put out the website in the first place. I've written about how, to convince people in much higher ranks in big tech companies I will need to think like them, perceive the world like them. With that goal, I've identified 22 books that can get me there, but that's a lot of books to read with no clear timeline on when to finish them, isn't it? Will I ever do the actual reading, or just plan for it? That's the real concern. The idea is, maybe now is the right time, and that reading those books, thinking about them, writing on them is the next big project. After I completely finish the v1 of the website that is.

Here's it spelt out more clearly: for April, I'm considering doing several things in parallel. First, the work on the website will continue, but at a much reduced pace. It will involve me mostly editing the existing pieces from v1, and adding photos and illustrations to all the articles. I need to be satisfied with the existing material before committing to new stuff. Second, I will start with the planning for the podcast on the Bollywood movie, get the tooling in order, get scheduling setup, and ask friends for getting their preparation in order. And third, I will read a tonne of those books from above, imbibe them, make notes and summarize, illustrate the summaries, and internalize the ideas so that I become the person I am hoping to pretend to have become. I don't have the real life experience to actually turn into that fantasy individual. The next best thing is to absorb the learning from books and become it virtually.

That is the current plan anyway. We shall see.

Words, so many words, mucho mucho words

Mucho mucho words have been written. As I mentioned in a few posts ago, this blog has seen 2.02 Million posts since 2020, and I've written about 600k words at my work blog in the same time frame. That means that over the last five years, I've put 2.5mil words on paper, everything considered. I've rambled on about how the quality of the written content hasn't been driven, isn't targeted at a reading audience, and might just have been a habit and typing practice for me. Fair enough. But this is mine, something I've done and nobody else has been doing, that should count for something. As friend P reminded me the other day, all of these hobbies and activities add up, this will surely come useful one day and I'll thank the stars for making me work hard on writing so consistently (ish) for so long, and in such a seemingly pointless manner too!

Quinoa series begins, candy and doritos and the office eugh [Wed 27]

beans, quinoa kimchi and sauces for lunch, walk to work and eating hella unhealthy candyy and dorito, attempt at getting 10k steps, unsuccessfully, progress on the website work, serious amount of blogging, on top of the chores!

Writing this late on Friday night, it's quarter past two because I've been dilly-dallying on the writing quite a bit. Ah well.

On this day, I had lunch of beans, quinoa, kimchi and hot sauce for lunch. It's simple but heavy in proteins and fiber, and that is what mattes, as long as carbs can be avoided. Walked to the office towards the later part of the workday and attended their uhh march madness event. It was boring and low-rent as hell, they even ran out of paper plates and had to use napkins for cheese and crackers and grapes. The grapes were so tasteless too. Had a bar of candy and a small doritos, it was alright, but it's quite clear quitting them has made me not miss them all to much.

Walked back and northwards from my place, imagining I got 10k steps in but turns out not, so that was super duper annoying.

Wrote a couple of 'failed projects' posts for the website, solid work on the blog here, quality well-thought content, and got pretty much all of my chores done. So proud of myself ah!

Right, how about I go back to breeding peppers and tomatoes

Not with each other, obviously, because they're not of the same species. They can't have babies together, even if they somehow ended up spending a great night and made plans for a joint future, and their parents and communities were fine with the inter-specie relationship. It's not like Lingers or Tion's, you just can't cross them.

But. You can't grow them individually. That's what I gotta do. Grow. The. Peppers. And the tomatoes. They both take about 3 months to grow, so by the time I'm heading out to the East in July, they should be ready to harvest! The breeding part comes second, no grow no breed, but I need to start somewhere. Just plant couple of seeds of tomatoes that I already have, a couple of chilly seeds from plants, on the machine, few drops of the liquid, and we're cooking. In three months technically, though the process of 'cooking mud into food' starts immediately. I've never done a seed-to-fruit grow anyway besides mushroom and they don't count, so this should be quite exciting!

Gemini-assisted wordcount of the blog: 2.02 MIL babyyy!

In the past I spent hours trying to finagle the python good to deal with the messy structure of the xml file that blogger generates, hoping to get clean data out of it. No need anymore! I got Gemini to generate code to do that work for me, yeah it took 15-20 minutes to get the format exactly write, but I didn't have to delve too deeply into the file, didn't have to understand the nuances of xml parsing and traversing either.

And the results are....I am at 2.02 million words for this blog. A shocking number for sure, but if you read the last post not excessively interesting as  it might be. But still, 2 mil is a 2 mil. Here's to another two million words, and tens of millions more!

Out of that, 1.55 million has been written in the last four years (since 2020). It's 1.74 million since 2019. That's a good-news/bad-news scenario. On the one hand it means my word-count per post has gone down hilariously, but despite that my annual word count is through the charts, at almost 400k a year. If I'd been doing that all this time, it'd be at so many more millions. This is the right time to move towards greater thought, greater depth, greater length. If not length, then at least the previous two.

If this is just self reflections and typing practice, how might I begin to think and actually start writing?

This has been pondered upon on this blog in the past, but never with a problem-solving angle. Always with the inward-facing analytic angle. Which is necessary and is a path of the journey that brings one to the thinking towards fixing issues. And I'm there now. Thankful for the travel, circuitous and scenic as it was, and glad to be here now.

What is happening in this blog, more recently but almost always is just self reflections. Not fully considered either, quick missives from my digits, to get the word-count out, to get the numbers filled. There has never been a pressure for me to actually think deep, consider alternatives and counterarguments for my proposals, for my ideas. This hasn't been a place for serious thinking, philosophizing and theorizing. It's been a place for glamorous self-reflection. therapy.

No problem there. Besides the content, the actual craft of writing hasn't observably improved in all these years. There's writing and there's typing, it wouldn't be too far left-field to say that what I do in this blog -- have been doing until now once the mass blogging began -- has been more on the writing side. The outcome has been that I can now write 3k words, possibly even 4k words an hour. But to what end? The pace is not of great importance after a point. It's the weight of the words, the twist of the phrase, the run of the sentence, dance of the paragraphs. The ability of words to make people imagine, wonder, cry, laugh etc is what gives power to them, it's why writing is such a crucial skill. It's looking like writing millions of words over the last four years hasn't helped improve those significantly.

If that is the case, how might I begin to change it? What would it look like to start writing, to actually think and ponder about the material that gets typed? The titles and topics themselves aren't important for now, we just want to put more gravitas to the pieces I have already decided on writing. How do I stop typing, start writing?

It would probably involve some degree of planning to start. I'd need to think about the general outline of a piece before I wrote it. For that I'd need to spend longer than 5 or seven minutes. Second, I'd have to re-read the piece at least once. That's to make sure that the idea has been represented as hoped in the initial planning. Some minor edits might be necessary, even if the end product doesn't end up anywhere.

These years have been amazing to get me started on the habit of sitting down, and using the keyboard to put words on the screen. Now I need to pilot a new practice, one that involves planning ahead, and rechecking the written word, and editing later on. Future reviews aren't necessary right away, but something worth considering for later. All of this means I'd need to significantly increase the time spent on these pieces. 20 minutes at least, 15 of those spent on writing, which means maybe 600-700 words. That's not been the goal in the past, but it needs to in the future. I need to understand that the future lies in growth, in self improvement, in evaluating and re-evaluating one's output.

Change must come. This is a training not just to improve as a person, but to improve presenting myself to the rest of the world. The work ethic that will come with this new editorial instinct will be valuable for me in other aspects of my life too.

I'm looking forward to becoming a harder-working, deeper-thinking, seriously-considering version of me. It will take more effort and deeper concentration, but I have time.

Self-affirmations as I write about myself on the professional website

The great thing about working on the website, and starting more seriously on the SAVERS affirmation practice, is that I've been reminded of my history as a hard-working high-achieving person. I've organized fancy events, met prime ministers and presidents, spent time with and be trusted by people who would go on to do do great things. UD, who unfortunately passed away a couple of years ago, was seen as a great visionary leaders, and even today people fondly see him as an example of what could have been. And his and my political journeys started together, I remember in the years 2009-12 doing so much, planning in the evenings, and organizing rallies etc. The understanding has come to me: it was the kcm days that tempered my ambitions, and the move to the US that completely beheaded them. I've met and interviewed prime ministers and presidents and what not, I need to get on my butt and start aiming for greatness once more!

The millet arrival, website search fully implemented to satisfaction, work chores done in private time [Tue 26]

millet arrival, damaged package for other grains arriving later, buckwheat and beans in the evening, volunteer park walk, mild work on the website, work chores in the evening, decent chores done!

As I write this the following day, I have come upon a realization. These days, the last two weeks or so, have been as un-memorable as they could possibly get. If the goal of this whole blog was to achieve 'agelessness' by being able to remember every day reasonably well and therefore not allow my brain to 'compress' the memories, the past couple of weeks are not great because well..every day is quite like the other.

Is that a problem? Not necessarily, as long as I'm enjoying them and adding a decent amount of variation into my activities. You don't want your days to be strictly regimented, with no opening for flexibility and exploration of new interests. The website stuff has held me down a bit in recent times. But no wonder, this weekend onward, that should be a solved matter. Also need to go out more, meet more people, perhaps more meetups is the answer.

Right, back to the task at hand. In the day I got my millet from the online retailer, the second 40-lb bag was apparently damaged during shipping and will probably come later. Had buckwheat and beans with tonnes of kimchi for dinner in the evening.

Went to volunteer park, three rounds in the afternoon. Worked for a little bit on the website, fucking finally fixing the search issue. My next goal is to do the remaining writings done ASAP. I am using any excuse I can find to avoid the actual task of writing, despite being able to churn out thousands (and I mean that literally) of words otherwise when given a free reign. Need to connect the dots and channel this ability to type keys on the keeb to express the 'good thoughts' inside my head.

In the evening wrote on this blog, a bit on the website, and then did all the work chores, which took like 45 minutes, plus everyday chores. Took a shower right before going to bed, don't know if that's ideal.

And that was my day!

Looking like I might be able to do fancy fiction-writing soon, with my schedule improved!

Somehow I've discovered time in my schedule. Not discovered so much as 'rediscovered'. If I don't go to bs social media, don't waste my time on the browser and youtube, there's actually a decent amount of time for me to write and spend on my hobbies. And oh what a time it might be.

Where I'm going with this vague-posting is this: I've said it, the problem with my writing is that I have been unable to give it enough time. In the past whereas I was spending 20 minutes on a piece, writing fun fiction pieces, I do an average of 7 minutes now, which is absolutely ridiculous, seeing this is an activity I enjoy doing. But with my improved timetable, and a bit more tighter schedule, it's looking like I might finally be able to spend an entire hour writing on this blog. Two sessions of 25 minute pomodorro sessions. Which means...quite a lot of words. I can write 300 words in 5 minutes, so 600, even 900-word pieces shouldn't be out of the question. And considering I now do most of the internal monologue elsewhere (in the workblog), this is an opportunity to explore my fiction writing interests.

Good pickin's. This should be good.

Avoiding junk food outside the house

It's tricky business.

I can avoid junk food when I'm in control of my environment. No crap food at home means zero ability to snack on bad crap. Going out to nicer restaurants and avoiding desserts means no risk of eating something that wouldn't be good for me.

But it's harder when you're in somebody else's house, or at a work party, and all they have is candies and chips and few bits of crackers and cheese and really bland fruits. Specially when you're at a houseparty, it's impolite to reject their dessert offering, but your brain won't be able to anyway. Since you've controlled its desires so much, it wants to take any opportunity to jump at the opportunity, and finish an entire cupcake in one bite. And then eat a few brookies after that. It knows all that sugary crap will make you feel tired and awful later at night and then the following day, but it don't care for 'nuthin man, it wants what it wants.

Which is still not as bad as your work party, which is confusingly underfunded seeing as they want everybody to be back in the office. No matter, you start with cheeses and fruits. The fruits appear to be acquired at the cheapest medium-end grocery store and are like eating big balls of watery, vaguely-juice-oriented balls. The cheeses are alright. Only thing that's got any flavor there is the bag of doritos, the ginger ale, and the bar of candy. You don't want to. You know you shouldn't. It's a bad idea, no good is going to come off of this.

But. It's just once. Every so often. You're a good buy, you've followed the rules. This one time won't mess you up, won't crap with your health numbers. Yeah all that sugar is going to fuck with your diabetes, and might end up having long-term consequences, but live a little, man! It's not a big deal, okay, go for it. You know you wanna. Just. do it, ya pussy.

here we go.

Fifteen reasons to absolutely avoid doing any sort of physical exercise

  1. You don't want to look too good, people will think you're a show-off. You want that? How awful would that be!

  2. Eww putting effort into improving your health and physical appearance. That's like working hard to...become...a good person! If you were really healthy, you wouldn't work out at all! That's what REAL health looks like!

  3. If you are too jacked and muscled know, it'll hurt your bones in the old age. Or so I've been reliably informed by a friend who is medicine-adjacent who's never worked out a day in his life.

  4. Working out creates lots of sweat. If your body meant to lose lots of sweat, it would just do it all by itself, without being forced to! It's a precious fluid that gives the body internal strength, and shouldn't be wasted...much like sperm.

  5. Working out makes you strong. You know who else is strong? That's right, fascists! Do you wanna be one of them!?

  6. Besides, it's all a propaganda by Big Exercise Machine and Big Health to spend money on crap nobody needs anyway. Healthy people don't worry about health, that's how you become healthy. By not worrying.

  7. If your health is better now, it'll surely go down at some point, and it'll be a great cause of worry which is awful for blood pressure. It's just setting yourself up for disappointment.

  8. Your joints and muscles aren't meant to be worked out so hard! That's why they hurt. People who work out get old quicker and become immobile early in life because their bodies had to tolerate so much stress.

  9. It's hard work!

  10. Working out makes you hungry, and you eat more. Which gives you more calories, and makes you gain weight! It's the quickest way to getting heart attacks, besides eating a lot and NOT doing workouts.

  11. You stink after a workout, nobody likes a stinky boi.

  12. Throughout history, only poor people have had to do strenuous physical workouts. Ergo, if you're doing strenuous physical workout, you'll be seen as a poor person.

  13. Dad-bod is en vogue. Working out doesn't make you look as good as you think.

  14. I've heard women say they don't like guys who are too jacked up. So it's a good idea to workout only if you are interested in men.\

  15. It's not a fun activity, why would anybody do it!

How might I use AI to assist with my writings for the official website?

This is a question for the future me, but thinking out aloud as this is the sort of stuff I've been looking at in recent times. A question to myself: how will I be able to leverage AI to help me with my writings in the main website. I don't want to use it here (yet) because don't need to make all the links and fancy shit, but it would be useful for the other site, as I'd be able to tell people what I did, how I did it, and impress people. Here's a couple of ideas I have thought of:

1. Use AI as a 'link generator' for internal links. I feed ai all the posts written to the point, and then a new one in a separate command, and ask it how I might be able to link old posts in the new piece. Or if not that, I can just say [insert link here] and it can figure out which link I meant and insert it, without me worrying about it!

2. As an idea generator: I give it a list of thirty fourty or a hundred topics and bodies that I've written on, and ask it within some constraints on what might be a good topic to write on. Say I'm looking for a promotion and want visibility in the organization, and these are the posts I've already written. What more should I write?

3. Ask for design feedback. Feed it the website code, and see if it can tell me more changes to make, or directions to go towards.

4. Branding advice. Feed it everything I have, and see how it 'evaluates' me, and ask for tips and tricks on how I might be able to change my 'branding' to align with my goals.

5. General 'brand-building'. Ask it questions on what other things I'll need to do, besides a nice website, and potentially good articles, to get ahead in career, and reach where I desire to. And if I don't get there, what might be a good goal to have besides reaching there.

Lent money, work chores post-work [Mon 25]

low-energy workday, doing work chores post-work, buckwheat kimchi and veggies for lunch, volunteer park walk, popcorn for dinner, money gone in lending, website work and blog

Writing this the next day, I'm so close to getting my schedule up to good habits, all I need to do is establishing all the other habits and all set. Still haven't been doing hinge workouts in a couple of days, so that's where I'm the weakest at. But otherwise, doing fantastic man!

So Monday was quite low-energy, got up groggy, didn't get much productive work done, left all the chores for after-work. Had buckwheat, kimchi and veggies for lunch with achaar. Had popcorn for dinner, and went to volunteer park for walk. Lent lots of money to a friend, don't know if it'll ever come back.

In the end did some color changing stuff for the website, worked a bit in the search part, wrote a bunch for the blog, and did the day chores in the evening. Started doing the ABC's of tiny habits, first day, wish me luck!

How might I organize work better to get a promotion?

The question is this: I want a promotion at work, I want influence and impact at work. My position is of limited scope, and won't allow me to get anywhere fun and interesting as I hope to. In that context, how might I organize work better to get a promotion, be more visible, and actually be politically relevant within the organization?

Couple of ideas I brought up in my work journal, that I want to share here. Maybe something better will come up as I write this.

  1. Leverage new technologies and platforms, champion their usage across the organization, show folks the value generated and the ease of use. Become a evangelist of the new technology, and the person everybody thinks of when they think of the word. Basically 'get' the credit of 'thinking' of it first!

  2. Motivate the group through workshops, presentations, and talks on various relevant topics related to their technical work and growth. This would be on perhaps a relevant programming language or library, LLM's or AI, security, or any relevant material.

  3. Ceaselessly contribute to the internal company blog/platform by writing on important material that coworkers would find useful. It would most likely be related to events and occasions happening inside the company. Company changed evaluation metrics? How can they be changed? What are the metrics? How can metrics be measured? Company wants mentorship by all? How can one become a good mentor? What are the qualities of a good mentor? Does one really need mentor or is that just big talk from people with nothing better to do?

  4. Seek and leverage opportunities to talk outside the company, and represent the company in workshops, conferences, and other events. Search for such events relevant to your feed, ask to contribute as a speaker, and go for it! Use it as 'pr' for yourself and your company, and bring the learnings and experiences to the team.

The search problem for the website has been solved, let's get back at actually writing now!

I've written about this problem that has bothered me all these weeks and months, and that was about the 'search' bar feature on my website. First, it was loading literally all the website twice for every page, to index it, and then allow the user to search it. So the most obvious change was to cause it to load only when the websearch button was clicked. As majority of the users don't need the feature, they shouldn't have to pay the search penalty. Then the goal was to pre-index the search, as there's no point in using all the capacity user-side indexing the website everytime, and causing several second jitters. That was done too. Then the goal was to 'compress' and 'decompress' the pre-generated index, so that the network wouldn't have to transfer all that much data, and that was done too. Finally, I plugged the sockets in, and realized a massive error in my ways. The index search returns not the object (because then you'd need the entire object around!) but just a pointer to the original object. So at some point you do need some part of the object to return to show it on the search window! But how!

My first idea was to do http range searches but uhh ajax requests for jquery didn't help me. The second idea was to use sqlite-js to be able to query a database full of my blog posts...the idea is to publish the entire blog on the github inside the db, and load it using range requests. It almost worked, but getting sqlite-webasm turned out to be a bigger project than I anticipated, and my project wasn't to learn wasm, so that was abandoned. And then I thought of the simplest of solutions. I'd save a 'summary' version of every post entry as a separate page under the identifier path, and when the search index returned an identifier, go fetch that summary page. And that's what I implemented! It's worked swimmingly well, and I'm specially proud of the fact that the search page loads gradually, as it gets around to loading less-relevant searches from the archives.

So now that is done, I need to be focusing more on the actual content, because the goal is to get v1 of the website out this weekend, and then take it easy. Look at some design stuff etcetera, but I need some rest from the whole workflow...stuff.

First round of hydroponics is over. Here's the results

Yesterday I shut down my hydroponic system after running my first batch of plants for a couple of weeks through it. The goal wasn't to grow them into maturity, but to allow enough time for them to root so they could be transplanted elsewhere, and thrive after the transplant...

And the results are...massively successful! The 'regular' pothos plants are quite...scary looking, I was quite legitimately disturbed at how quickly their roots thrived and how thick they got. They look like large stems, and this was in a few short weeks. Some leaves were burnt, but the plants will probably recover from the shock in a couple of weeks and make it up in no time.

My favourite plants, the velvet pothos, lost most of their leaves to leaf-burn. Though a couple of cuttings survived fairly well without a burn, most did not. They are not completely dead yet, and they've been replanted, so hopefully they'll recover -- seeing as they did eventually take root -- but there was definitely some damage. It's clear that even the cuttings from the same plant...clones of each other, will react differently to the same light at pretty much the same distance, so there's a lot of variability to be expected.

Yeah, my first experiment went swimmingly well, at this point I'm confident enough to start planting tomato seeds and see them grow to fruition. It should be a few weeks I'm told, so it's going to be quite exciting. I might do that over the weekend, or in the week if I'm feeling exceedingly bored, we shall see.

Interesting times are ahead...

A book review of Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg

I completed listening to the audiobook version of BJ Fogg's Tiny Habits book earlier today. I picked it up over the weekend, and used the voice reader app on my phone to read it aloud to me as the library had too long of a wait time for it.

Fogg gives a couple of formulas to explain what habits are. B= MAP. Behavior is motivation, plus ability, plus prompt, he says. And to create a new habit, you need to practice your ABC's: anchor (which I'm terrible at, I've written about this in a couple of previous posts), behavior, and Celebration. The anchor needs to 'guide' it against existing activities, or a trigger to start an activity. You can't just be 'oh I'll eventually get my workouts done, at some point in the day' if you want to start that activity, that's not how you start new habits, Fogg argues. The C's important because your body and mind need positive validation, a reminder that you are doing well. And you need to prioritize C not just after the activity is done, but before, during, (and after), and also when you are reminded of the activity, you need to learn to reward yourself for even remembering an activity. No longer should the memory of tasks not yet done should cause you fear, you need to be proud that at least you remembered them, and are considering doing them. Fogg provides some really great suggestions for low-rent celebrations. It's quite clear for me anchoring is the hardest part as my days are pretty unstructured. Perhaps that's the problem with my life ehhh, lack of proper structure, specially during the workday, because after at least I have things to do and places to be.

I found the book quite interesting and massively useful. I intend to use the tips and tricks provided in this book forever going forward to create new habits, get rid of old ones, and modify my behavior to guide myself towards desired goals. It's a solid 9.5 out of 10 stars for me, and I would recommend this to anybody interested in improving themselves. Even if somebody isn't really into self-help books, the fact that this is written by a famous Stanford professor who taught the 'tricks' to founders of facebook, instagram, and all the addictive online apps should be a hint to how good his guidance is.

Website released, tj's stroupwaffle snacks and throw, psych in the evening [Sun 24]

 buckwheat and kimchi lunch, TJ's trip, belgian cookies for 'snack', sugar rush crush skip dinner, volunteer park in the sun, cold in the shade, website work is finally done for 0.5 version, watching psych in the evening

Had buckwheat and kimchi for lunch, worked for my website all day long because this was the deadline for version 0.5, it's out now good riddance. Felt really weird during the afternoon my body was refusing to work without sugar, so much craving, that I had to go to TJ's and get a belgian waffle 'cookies', finished like a third of the packet and trashed it. Walked to volunteer park, took just a round or two, no 10k steps, sat in the sun warming my front and back for hours, and returned to write more on the website. Skipped dinner, because the cookies filled me up, and watched a couple of episodes of Psych in the evening.

April plans for personal project

Well March came and went, and none of my novel-writing 'March Madness' plans were executed. Sure, I was inspired by the original concept to write 1.5k words in my work blog every day -- still not where I wanted to be at, but we'll ignore that -- but that's neither here nor there. Instead I worked on finishing my website, which is a respectable although quite a delayed goal.

What's in store for April for me?

I don't think I want to work full-time on the website as I've been doing for the past two months. It's getting tedious and boring. I'll make it a regular thing, but not a full-time thing. Maybe just on the weekends, or 30 minutes every day. Anything beyond that and uck, don't wanna.

Thinking making the podcast might take more of my time, but 1) it will probably take more time to execute than I will have ability, 2) a lot of it depends on other people, and it's unclear how they are prepared, and 3) I will talk and I will shout, but will I actually podcast? It's unclear if I have the skills, the drive and the energy to actually do it for proper, but committed I have, to everybody, so some progress is bound to happen.

And in the rest of the time? Thinking I might take a potshot in April and May (possibly even June) to read up and write about the vision I have created for myself, the short-term one. What it means is: what if I pretended I already had my dream job, started reading and writing like a person in my dream position, and just behaved that I was driving a challenging team in a challenging environment, and negotiating with hard partners? What if I sunk myself deep into the world of imagined product management / senior leadership, and became the person I am hoping to trick people into thinking I am? Will it be done in 2 or three months? Most definitely not, they'll be needing years of experience to get to that level. But then I do listen to books at almost 3x the speed and I am known to be a decent pretender if nothing else. Perhaps if I try really, really hard, I'll get better at where I'm right now. I wonder how I could solidly measure the goal? Like what exactly will be the output of it? Read 10 books, listen to 10 videos, do 10 'challenges' and design plans, create a vision board, imagine different conversations and scenarios and how you would deal with them, and play out them with your friends? And write down about the experience? I mean that sounds fun because it involves acting, it involves over-stimulation, it involves audiobooks, but I wonder if it would be a truly fruitful experience?

The other option is just to do what I was gonna do for march madness anyway. 3000 words a day, for 30 days, at the end of the whole shebang I have a novel. Simple as. I could even orally dictate the novel!

Or maybe like take a rest, and walk for 3 hours daily instead of 1.5 as I do now? Go to the arboretum every day for an entire month, and make that a fundamental part of my days? Maybe I'll get so good at walking I'll be able to do it in 2.5 hours and keep doing it for the rest of my time around these parts?

Could think of a bunch of other ideas, but timer's running out. Will get back to this again, don't worry! Laters.

Website v0.5 is out, v1 next week, stuff to look forward to!

At this point, I'm ready to declare the website version 0.5 release! I have the core engineering blogs out, and the 'ideas' section out! I'm starting to consider design elements, but haven't decided to pull the trigger. It's good enough to show close friends and family, not good enough for the rest of the world though.

What needs to be done: more personal information, more resume and cv. Add fermentland blog. Add core projects and goals. Clearer delineation of work and fun, and more focus on fun. Work towards my manifesto (indirectly) by specifying my values and goals in different sections of the blog. Create a 'complete image' of me by posting all the things I have on my notepad. I'll be happy only when the major sections of my 'notes' file in notepad is done. Then version 2, but it can wait, for a long time, should it need to. I foresee that won't be so though, because with v1 done, I'll just be excessively motivated to get it all out of my hair and make it a normal part of my life rather than a special project.

Still considerable work left, but we're going towards the right direction. The original plan was to have the v0.5 out in early Feb (lol). We'll have v1.0 out in late March, it's fine by me. I have been able to push myself, and at least take a shot at executing my vision of personal branding. We will see how much I'll be invested into making my dreams come out to reality.

Weekends have been a total wash, with the website project and what not

 I will not point fingers at anywhere specific but let's just say the last couple of weekends have not been very fun. They feel repetitive, not very fun, and I waste most of them discovering oh I missed this one thing or the other. Some of it has been the website project, since I've been conquering days and nights to get it done but that doesn't give the whole picture. Even on nicer weekend days I've shown laziness to walk a lot, to just be out and about, explore the world, clean my place, cook, and generally enjoy the bounty mother nature has given us residents of the Pacific NorthWest. 

What's a good productive weekend day look like for me? I wake up early in the morning, do my wakeup routine for an hour, including breakfast shower workouts reading and meditation for an hour. Go on a nice walk, do a quick grocery run. Flower my plants, and clean my kitchen, let the robo vacuum up both my rooms, then a quick mop. Relax for a bit, talk to friends and family, write for an hour or two, and then it's midday. Hang out with friends for brunch, come back, movies or more writing, dinner preparation, and invite people over for food, or head out somewhere. Or even go down to Chinatown if nothing else.

It's an ideal scenario, and I have been doing none of the aspirational tasks. It's so silly. It's not like my Fridays are wild, not like there's other commitments. But still the days feel wasted, don't really take advantage of all the free time I'm given. Perhaps the sort of relaxation I have right now is the end-goal, that I aspire for the 'good stuff' described  above, but don't really want it?

Latest updates on reading and audiobooks and things as such

Because some audiobooks or even books books on my local library website have been in high demand, I have had to go back to the old ways to read some of them. And because 'reading' reading is not possible due to my limited attention span and lack of motivation, I have to turn them into audiobooks. But how!? For that I've used the app @VoiceAloud, it's been mentioned on this blog in the passing, but in most recent days it's really proven its worth. While it's nowhere near as a traditional audiobook to be able to absorb a book's content, the fact that I'm reading at 2.5x+ means that either way it doesn't matter. I lose the cadence and the pace of perfect readers too, so it's like fine. The only annoying part is that the reader pauses after the A in the A.D treating it like an actual fullstop. But beyond that I haven't been able to find too many foibles in the strategy.

This has been coming up more and more in recent days, but audio to text medium for writing, and text to audio medium for 'reading' have been such a powerful force that I should explore more into the medium vs the message argument. Perhaps audio is really a better way to organize your thoughts, if you need to know what you're going to say in the next 30 seconds, you mind think before you speak? And maybe because audio at that quick of a pace needs attention to concentrate, it's more absorbing than reading?

So many variables worth considering. Seriously though, I should very much explore the audio recording -> blog posts path, that might be the pathway to future success and riches. If I'm driven enough, it's so much easier to do than proper writing, specially if I have good (written!) notes in front of me. Write in audio, edit in text.

Rabbit at sight, morning illustrations [Sat 23]

spring is fully here, rabbits are here, morning illustrations, evening walk to the park, TJ's in the evening, fried rice, kimchi and green soup for dinner, daylong website work, relaxing with tv watching at night

I write this on the afternoon of Monday. Having spent the entirety of day Saturday writing here and doing the website, I wasn't as free and productive on Sunday, and walked, read and mostly worked on tweaking small irrelevant things on the website. So here we go.

Spring was finally here, I saw half-dozen rabbit babies and rat babies on my walk back from the park.

Did a couple of pages of illustrations in the morning, worked on this blog and the website all day long. Too much news consumption, I must reduce that.

Went to TJ's in the evening after completing walk at Volunteer park, got myself a veggie fried rice packet. Had it with green soup, kimchi, and lots of buckwheat.

Relaxed by watching tv and working a bit more in the evening. Tried going to bed early but couldn't sleep.

This is a cheat post, because I don't feel like coming up with a good post idea, let's move on alright

Exactly what the title says, I've been writing every other day on the reg now, not intentionally. It's due to the website work, it's due to being low and confused energy-wise, and it's surely got to do with the lack of proper sleep lately, any of the multitude of factors can be blamed. The core of the matter is that the writing has been inconsistent, and even lazier than it has the most recent times.

The writing plans or goals for the future are quite clear though, happy about that. All I need to do is this: sit down for 3 sessions of 25 minutes each, and write down as much as I can. Ideally for 5 posts, most of which are going to be pieces of fiction, but not necessarily so. Just sit down and write, commit yourself to the process, submit yourself to the whims of the timetable you have chosen to enforce upon yourself. Your time is yours, except in this hour or so when it is the timegod's, and what they want you to do is what you already would have anyway. Just keep working on your projects, and don't be distracted. Serve humanity and try bringing joy to the world. Defeat obviously awful people, and fight on the side of generosity and kindness. And let your principals sustain even when your physical prowess has been defeated. You will fight but you are a generous, gracious warrior.

Or even a novel. In 75 minutes I can get done with 4.5k words, easy. Which means it's a matter of 11 days and a bit more to be done with the '50k novel' project. Which is extremely doable. Do I want to reach a poor millionaire art paper novel, or a sellout corporate what's happening with the world and is it good or what school of thought, depending on Michael Ceraa the red-haired actor.

When the entire body craves sugar so much

Oh it's been a while since I had any kind of snack, and yesterday my body was refusing to function and I don't say that lightly, my hands were aching, my tummy felt weird, my head hurt, and nothing was going right. I had a suspicion at what was up, so I went to TJ's to buy their Stroppewaffel, and all of a sudden, all the maladies gone! Ended up eating many hundreds of calories for the sugary dessert, but the good thing is I dumped the rest of the packet, and don't crave the sweet anymore. It was actually shocking how much all of my body protested with my sugar limitation. In the evening I skipped dinner because somehow I was full from that half-packet of Belgian waffle desserts, perhaps my body craved all the sugars so much it's figured out a way to absorb all of the material at a slow sustainable rate so as to not make me crash and discourage me from eating it again...

Reading and considerations on habit forming, rituals etcetera

This relates to my earlier post: how does one go about forming strong, long lasting habits that will direct one towards completing towards one's goals, meeting one's visions? How do we go about setting up daily rituals, getting rid of the bad habits, and encouraging good habits?

One of the biggest issues I have with my habits is that my days are unanchored. Between the time I wake up in the morning, to the time I eat lunch, at sometime after noon, there is no 'pre-set' activity that can be used as an anchor to do other activities. And even if I create an activity, it's unclear if that'll last, because that activity itself is unnecessary, it cannot be anchored to anything else I absolutely must to. The author does acknowledge that creating anchors is one of the harder part of the process, and you need to play around a few times before you get it right. But that shifts the issue from I can't do things at all, to I haven't been able to create anchors around the day around which I can put the rest of my chores. So that is something I'll be needing to teach myself, create good, long-lasting anchors that'll help me organize my days better. This is only true for workdays. Because...

Weekends are a whole different ballgame. At least with weekdays I'm on the computer, have some sort of structure to follow, and things to do. With weekends that's not even the thing anymore. I'm glad the author acknowledges the problem, it's really quite validating to realize that the scheduling issues you believe are unique to yourself are not, they're a societal problem. SO I could probably go about creating great habits and rituals for my weekdays, maintaining them over the weekend is going to be quite the challenge. I wonder...what anchors I can create, how I can celebrate, and what actions I can accomplish over the weekend to make sure the habits created are sustainable and reasonable.

Food to thought, for sure.

Some more writing on habit forming and near and long-term goals etcetera

I listened to, and read summary of, the book Tiny Habits by...a Stanford behavioral design professor, and it's given me quite a lot of context on what's up with my lazy habits, how to form new habits, and how to reach one's long-term goals etcetera. Haven't finished the book, so this is not a review, but observations on my personal life inspired by the book.

The dude's got the whole thing right on: it's like he distilled a decade of me struggling to get my habits in order. The thing about behavior, he proposes, is MAP or motivation, ability, and prompt. You might have the motivation and the physical capacity to do something, but if something doesn't prompt you, doesn't trigger your behavior regularly, you'll find it much harder to do. And there are the ABC's of habit-forming: anchor, behavior, and celebration. Make sure the habits you want to encourage in your daily life are anchored to other events in your day that will trigger you to do it. Then actually complete the task. After it is done, celebrate, reward yourself a little bit. Even if it is as little as patting yourself on the back, smiling, or telling yourself that you did it and you're proud of yourself. These micro feedback sessions help create stronger habits, he argues. The important part of having such habits be consistent is to create a schedule (or anchor them to other parts or event of the day) and to make them small enough that not doing them would be ridiculous.

Sounds like a solid plan.The book itself is a pretty decent read, or a listen as it is in my case. Will comment more when it's complete.

Momo party with thai veggie gyoza [Fri 22]

eggs, buckwheat, greens and achaar for lunch, lowkey friday, evening illustration, walk to trader joe's for dumplings and takis, momo party at Ps's, new friends and talks, back by midnight

Writing this on the day after. So very tired and sleepy, it's quarter to 2, but the weekend is passing by, one must be dutiful and diligent in getting these out.

For lunch I had buckwheat groats with eggs and green soup, plus achar. Yum yum, nothing to complain about for sure. It was a bit slow at work, didn't to much else either except read a tonne.

After work I napped a bit, read a lot, and drew a couple of scenes of illustration for the movie. In the evening went to PS's place after picking up couple of packets of thai veggie gyoza (meh) and TJ's takis (yuum!!!).

Hung out at P, R and his wife, and P's friend and her husband. Made momos, talked about life, sports, just general chitchat. Great talks were had. Was out until almost 12, R and his wife dropped me, I left the blender and the last packet of gyoza (which I had when everyone else did momos) at P's place. Nice sound sleep after finally getting to sleep. Dreamt about old BNKS teachers and thanking them. Hope they're all doing well...

Writing essays by dictating to google recorder, and then editing the transcript using Gemini is good, shocking great actually

On Thursday I got quite bored all of a sudden and started narrating an idea bouncing in my head into the recorder app. 20 minutes later I had a 500-word essay that was quite well-written after putting the transcript of the recording through the google Gemini app, instructing it to not mess anything with the original content. Then on Friday I did another essay, on a completely unrelated topic, and this one I talked for twice as long, and ended up with a 1000-word essay. Gemini summarized it (against my wishes, god it's stupid) to a few hundred words, but the point of the piece wasn't to make a checklist of things to do, it was to communicate why a certain task was important and what to focus on, but still, the output was great. I'm thinking I could publish the summary for the first part, and then expound on it, letting both gemini and my skills shine.

As I've written on this topic before, I was a firm believer in the crappiness of both the transcription service, and the gemini app, but turns out combining the two of them with the ideal prompt gives one a pretty decent result. Like, besides the speaking part, it wouldn't take one much more than ten or fifteen minutes to edit the piece, and another fifteen or twenty minutes to illustrate, and bam, ready to post. I realize if written maybe it could be around the same period, but I ain't no good at writing man, so this was amazing assistantship.

I need to delve into this more, if I can generate essays so easily, why not do it on a daily basis, while I'm doing my chores, while doing laundry, while on my walks, while cooking. Spend 15 minutes of otherwise unproductive time narrating an essay, 15 minutes of free time editing it and we are good to spend it somewhere useful, or send it to people who might benefit from the contents of it.

I'm legitimately excited by this. The same way I was when I discovered google maps '3d fly to destination' feature.

On eating the first batch of buckwheat groats

So, first couple of rounds of eating buckwheat groats are done, the reviews are in.

First, an admission: I'd actually never eaten buckwheat groats before. My parents didn't even know buckwheat could be eaten in grain form, without turning into flour. So this was a new experience for me, culturally and personally. All I knew was people ate Kasha, from Seinfeld, and that it was supposed to be dorky food, and I'd heard of Kasha Varnashke. That's it.

The cooking process was simple. I followed the most obvious recipe on youtube. Slightly underwater the grains in the rice-cooker, then add a little bit of water and leave it on the warm setting for 45 minutes to an hour. That way the grains get hydrated but don't get mushy. The grains are perfectly whole and as fluffy as they could possibly be. Check.

The smell of the grains while they cooked was distinctly reminiscent of...tobacco. That's the only way I can describe it. Maybe some would say mud? I did make it a point to wash it several times, way more than I usually clean rice. I don't mind the smell personally, it was just unique, a novel smell that I will have to befriend and co-exist with.

The texture was fine, liked it better than brown rice. It cooks better too. The flavor was...hmm I'm having trouble describing it...It was...fine? I couldn't really describe it besides 'grassy' and 'grainy'. It is food, when mixed with other foods can taste good or bad. I wouldn't eat just the cooked groats, but it would be unusual to do so for any other grains, so nothing sus going on there. I had it with the greens and eggs, and no complaints on any point. My tummy didn't react improperly to the grain, have had no issues.

All systems are a go, I am ready to befriend buckwheat groats.

A list of the last ten or twenty books I read

  1.  Consider the Fork by Bee Wilson
  2. 7 Rules of Power by Jeffrey Pfeffer
  3. The lazy Genius Kitchen by Kendra Adachi
  4. Art and Fear buy David Bayles
  5. Creative Confidence by Tom Kelley
  6. The Pop-up pitch by Dan Roam
  7. The Back of the Napkin by Dan Roam
  8. Eight Flavors by Sarah Lohman
  9. The Core of an Onion by Mark Kurlansky
  10. The Rise of Yeast by Nick P Money
  11. The Story of Tea by the Heiss couple
  12. Beer by Charles Bamforth
  13. Talking to Strangers by Malcom Gladwell
  14. The Hindus by Wendy Doniger
  15. A short history of drunkenness by Mark forsyth
  16. Åšiva in the Forest of Pines: An Essay on Sorcery and Self-Knowledge by Don Handelman 
  17. On Hinduism by Wendy Doniger
  18. Fruits of the Sands by Robert N Spengler
  19. Tinker Dabble Doodle Try by Srini Pillay
  20. On Spice by Caitlin PenzeyMoog

A review of Consider the Fork: A History of How We Cook and Eat by Bee Wilson

I completed the 9 hours of audiobook of Bee Wilson's Consider the fork in 3 sittings, which is quite good. This is a quick review of the book.

The book is a history of common equipment used in kitchens everywhere: the oven, the pot, the pan, the peeler, the spoon, and so forth. Wilson takes us back thousands of years and walks us through the history of fire, of boiling, of biting and chewing, and brings us to the present day. She explains our relationship with food and the tools we use to manipulate them, and how tools shape us as much as we shape them. The book was way more than anything I was hoping to learn, and there is not a thing I felt was missing. It is quite exhaustive in covering the topics in deals with, and involves a wide array of topics too.

I realize I've been quite generous with my reviews lately, but this was quite amazing, even for the books I've read. I give it a solid 9.5, and recommend anybody with even a passing interest in kitchen gadgets or the history of cooking give it a read.

Pasta-oats meal, illustrations galore [Thu 21]

pasta-eggplant lunch, volunteer park walk, audiobook listening, lots of hours on the website and the blog, oats pasta, greens with chilly oil and fried onions for dinner, illustrations

Had the final full-serving of pasta with eggplant for lunch. Went out to walk at Volunteer park, listening to Consider the Fork audiobook, worked a tonne on the website and this blog, was busy with all that.

Dinner was three spoonfuls of leftover pasta, oats, greens, chilly oil and fried garlic. Did some serious bit of illustrations for the movie before going to bed.

Trader joe's vegetearian fried rice is shockingly good!

I went to TJ's looking for their vegetarian Biryani, they were out of the packets so I bought the next best thing: the vegetarian fried rice frozen packet. And actually, it was amazing.

One packet is enough for two meals for me, which is a great value to begin with. Second, they have like nine different veggies in, amazingly healthy. The flavor was fantastic, it actually felt like I was eating good quality well-cooked fried rice. Combined with the kimchi and the greens stew, the rice made for an incredible meal. I kept thinking that I needed to be eating more of the dish. Never thought I'd feel that way about frozen food, from any store anywhere.

It's quite good, way better than any frozen rice item deserves to be. The next thing after cooking rice by yourself, or ordering in from the nice places. Highly rated.. Go get it!

Version 0.5 of the website finally freaking almost ready!

More updates from the website side, for a couple of reasons. First, because this is the weekend and I have been taking it a bit too easy with this blog, I'm quite far behind and need to 'catch up' which means the quality and length of the posts is going to be...not good. So any meaty topic worth discussing is great. Second, I've been spending a good chunk of my days recently on it, with the posts, the editing, as well as the illustrations. It's only natural I want to talk about what I've been spending my time on the most, no?

The freaking great news is that I've posted most of the articles, the engineering topics online, and they're quite decent. I did some editing and they still sound a bit weird, but it's fine, i can go edit later. What needs to be done is to put like four or five more pieces that are pending, get images for about 20 posts, and the technical side of the blog will be done! I'll want to re-org some of the posts, so when I bring the table-of-content addon, they make sense, but that's not high on priority. Freaking finally, a month behind schedule! Ugh!

I've decided to re-evaluate what a good 'release' version of the website should be, and considering 'releasing' (for internal purposes, meaning me, my therapist and very close friends and family) a version 0.5 by the end of this weekend. It will have the engineering articles with the images, and the 'steal this idea' section, and not much more. The fermentland blogs, and 'about me' section, as well as the hobby posts will come as part of version 1. Which should be another week or so. I didn't finish it by February as intended, but that was a silly goal by the way it went on, so I'm glad we're at this point.

The illustrations are definitely being pulled in from version 2.5 to version 2, or even version 1, depending on how quick I'll be able to bash out dozens of quick sketches and drawings. The idea is to have an illustration for every idea I have from hereon, to summarize the content and help explain my ideas better.

I'm excited, afraid a little bit, freaking relieved so much. This has been a massive project, taken so much of my time and mental energy that...phewww. What a project. The goal is to post new articles every week or two going forward of course, so it'll never be done. It's a 'live' object at this point. Or when it's finally done anyway.

Yet another reminder: do timed writings, at a given schedule, not post counts!

There's some good news, and there's some meh news. The great news is that my schedule at work, personal chores etcetera, is going bubblingly well. I have set a general time of the day to complete each of the task, so if not done my then I feel quite guilty and feel the strong urge to complete it before it's too late. Even meditation, visualization, affirmations are going swimmingly well. Reading hasn't kept up as well, yet, but I read so much news anyway, it doesn't matter. Unless I cut down on my news consumption, no point discussing the matter further. Anyway, the point is, it's been going well, for the last week or two, something worth being proud about.

But my hygiene with other habits, those at my personal time is all over the place. It's because I only complete the minimum, leave the important bits to the very end, right before it's time to sleep, and focus more on the post count of 5 per day rather than the amount of time that needs to be spent writing. It should always be 2 sessions of 25 minutes, which isn't that long. That way even if I don't feel like writing I know it'll be done when the time is over, so I might as well get it done.

What I need to do is be inspired by my achievements at work, and say, okay so 30 minutes of writing during the day, 30 minutes before bedtime, 1 hour of project work in the day, one in the evening, 15 mins of illustrations in the day, some in the morning, and so on and forth. Not doing it means it gets pushed to the very last moment. Like my PT workouts, which I've been skipping for so long because they get left to beyond my sleep time, and by then I have literally zero energy to workout. Who works out right before sleep, anyway!

List of 11 things that I don't know what they is

Inspired by that silly segment of the radio show my Mattew Cosby and Ed Gamble, here's a list of 11 things that I don't know what it is, even though I've heard about them bunch

  1.  Hearthstone

  2. Steve jobs (no seriously, I've never looked up his videos or anything, just know he was the apple guy)

  3. Dungeons and dragons, the board(?) game

  4. The concept of snow-shoeing (do you walk on skis? docha?)

  5. amaretto

  6. modern video games and what playing them is like (exception is minecraft and fifa)

  7. pretty much any ongoing tv series, specially those not comedy

  8. Threads (it's like instagram but...text? okay so what's instagram like?)

  9. cars (like how do they work? freakin magic)

  10. local politics in the USA

  11. The taste of steak. Never been interested, yawwwwn

Seattle alumni event, filling up on the snacks [Wed 20]

pasta lunch, work on the website, quick walk to the park, early evening writing and talk with the family, walk to SLU, college event, talking to old and new friends, getting caught up with friend WC, solid dinner, return home in the cold on the bus, low motivation to be productive, to bed at a respectable time

Had pasta for lunch, and worked on the website after work. Posted the last few remaining technical essays. Now it's a matter of editing them and then working on the rest of the process, which turns out to be the hard part. I did something today, dictated an 'essay' for a bit on the recorder, then asked Gemini ai to clean up the transcription, and that was better than 99% of the shit the machine came up with, geez what a fool I was to put it out there.

Walked to the Volunteer park, just one round and back because I knew there was long walks ahead of me in the evening. Wrote a bunch after coming back, in a bit of a rush too, and talked to the family, mostly about the massive volume of grains coming in, my 50k steps plan, and so forth.

Walked to SLU to the event place, hung out with a bunch of folks, until WC came. Filled up on the vegetarian snacks they had, it was really solid, yum, not like I'd go to the place all by myself, it's in a lame neighborhood very far from me, but it was a decent place. Got caught up with wc, met his business partner who I'd heard about a bunch and good times were had.

Around 10pm, wanted to come home but the walk was almost 45 minutes, not in the mood for that, so walked for like 13 minutes to take what I thought was going to be the train. It was a bus. Fine. Paid the fare on my phone, got home, and didn't do anything productive oh since I had had a glass of guinness in celebration of St. patrick's day.

Went to bed at an extremely reasonable time, don't remember what it was though.

The fakeout summer is over, alas

It's quite crazy to think last week around this time I was getting roasted inside my apartment by the heat, thought the winter was over, that we had skipped over spring to jump straight into mid-summer. This week, and specially the last few days have seen a return of Seattle's classic sunny-cloudy-rainy-cool weather, people don't tend to enjoy it, but as I've said this is preferable to having the same weather repeated forever. Consistently oppressive heat, or dark gloomy days are not ideal, this sort of dance, and change in one's surroundings makes one understand the importance of different forces, the yin and the yang, the day and the night, the heat and the cold.


Donating to your alma mater and other sht that is done

Yesterday I went to my college alumni event, met wc, and a few of his friends who are quite characters and that's saying a lot coming from me. Good food, good place, and a great vibe in general. I'd have loved to know more of the people in there, a particularly cute person who was probably several years behind me was super busy talking to her own group of friends or otherwise I've have struck up a conversation. But it was fun regardless, good times were had. And in the end, it's unclear what came over me, perhaps the guilt of not having given money in several years, maybe I was feeling generous in general, or something else was happening, but I gave them a considerate sum of money, that quite shocked me too. All around me the Americans were not really too into donating money to the college, and I could see admissions people having trouble raising even a few hundred dollars, and there I came in, probably one of the more 'standard' job-havers, on the lower side of earnings compared to one's vocation, like a bigshot giving so much money it was embarrassing.

Thing is, the college gave me a great opportunity when nobody else believed in me and my life would have been very different in not necessarily a favorable manner had things not turned out the way they did. So I'm quite thankful for that. I need to pay back, if I ever become a zillionaire, they'll get back returns on their kindness a thousand times over, but until then the minor interest payments of sorts will keep flowing in.

Alright, I made the leap, the jump, bought 80lb of grains for 120 buckaroos

Again, this will be a quick one because the update is important, but the impact is small. There's not much to talk about really. Let's get on with it. I bought grains, the same ones I've been mentioning nonstop on this blog for about a billion years now. 40lbs of millet grains, 20 lbs of sorghum, 20lbs of barley pearls. I will be eating most of them, hopefully. Fermenting too, and milling them into flour and consuming them in different forms. It's probably a waste of money, yeah, no goddamn way I'll finish this in a year, but you can never tell. Maybe these will be my staples, in addition to quinoa, oats and the rest, and you'll have an egg on your face for underestimating me.

I'm excited, but also a bit nervous. This is a big commitment to the lifestyle. This is a jump, I have never thought for so many months -- perhaps six months or even longer , maybe an entire year? -- to spend such little money. A hundred and twenty buckaroos. For eighty pounds. The price was great. I'm no big spender, but I do spend you know, 60/70/80 bucks on nights out no problem.

The ownership of so much grain poses a few problems, mostly around storage, consumption, and potential waste, but overthinking such matters never did anybody good. We will go with the flow, and see what comes of it.


Sneaky sneak upping the expectations from my routine?

The goal is to sneak up on yourself, become a different, better person while keeping your same core self and interaction with the outside world. And by the end of it, your 'mind' will not have realized you actually improved yourself, and it didn't get the chance to resist and make it more difficult than it needs to be!

So here's some plans for upcoming weeks that I'm eventually going to put in my daily checklists. I have 10 minutes of reading in there but barely get eight or ten minutes on good days, which is such a pity because only a few weeks ago I was doing hours and hours of daily reading. Need to up the reading to 30 minutes. No point in going to news sites and as such, or be on youtube. Reading is way more form and informative. The other point is to add illustration as a part of the daily routine. That has been a goal for the last many weeks, specially since last weekend, but haven't come around doing it. Guess it's just a matter of writing it down and following it. Just draw something, for myself, that'll help me get better at doing something I enjoy. Right now that means storyboarding and drawing 'comics', so that should be the aim. It's so fun! And at that rate, of say thirty minutes every day, I'll have illustrated my favourite movie in a week or two! That is such a mindblowing statement that...I have trouble internalizing that I'm still the same person. This is all so cool, so beyond me, apparently! But clearly not!

One more task for daily list: I've been doing workouts on-and-of, in the morning or the evenings, depending on the day and the mood, but obviously such sporadic and inconsistent work does no good. The plan is to do it twice: once during work hours, ideally around midday so 12-12.30, and again in the evening, around 8 or so, when I'm done with most of the chores and ready to go to bed. That way I'm stronger, more consistent. The ideal point would be if I could repeat this with reading and or meditation!

Finally, I gotta start a way to formalize weekly tasks too. The last bout of productivity that happened four years ago, it was quite hard to get me started on the weekly tasks. I would make lists telling myself to make lists, and maybe even made them, but never got executed. But the thing is there's tons of things like groceries, cleanup, vacuum that needs to be done every so often, regularly but not frequent enough. If I can internalize that as a part of routine, it'd be mwaaahh, perfecto!

Homemade carbonara and a Cherryful day [Tue 19]

Quite productive at work, quinoa and tofu for lunch, homemade carbonara and penne with eggplant for dinner, cheery cherry day, volunteer park walk, solid writing and website work done

It was quite a productive day at work, work-wise as well as in terms of what I got done. I've been hitting the 1.5k words in 25 minutes out of the park, which makes it a more real possibility that "March madness" might be a thing in the upcoming days, but for the novel project I've been mentioning. Only thing is writing about myself is much easier than for an editor or an audience unfortunately.

Had quinoa and leftover tofu from the night before for lunch. Went out to walk at volunteer park, so many cherry flowers out! The streets were white and pink, and the air smelled heavenly.

Wrote a bunch after coming back, posted basically 13 posts in the evening at the website, and made carbonara pasta which I ate with eggplant sauce. It was a meal of desperation as Quinoa had gotten old and boring and I didn't (and still don't) have the energy or confidence to cook the buckwheat groats.

First actual American wedding attendance confirmed!

This will be quick because it's important to not overthink these, but I got invited to my first real American wedding of a friend. It'll involve hotel stays in a small town, two day event, dressing up, and a whole loads of meeting old pals and chillin' and hanging out. Smalltown upstate new york, I might commute from Sk's place midtown. 

I'm excited, and a little embarrassed that I rsvp'd attendance five minutes after they initially sent it out. Bleh, don't care, it's good fun and I do intend to go. Gotta get the tix, reach out to people if they want to split the hotel rooms, and then the fun begins!

College events, and the need to reconnect

I'm going to a college alumni event one of these days, possibly today. I'd volunteered to be on the reunion committee and help out with alumni activities, but then Covid happened. Things got waylaid, I lost my mojo and took us all a few years to regain our orientation and see where we might want to go next. Turns out I was mostly on the right path, save for some great insights and now I'm four years older but maybe eight years wiser, so it's a net gain. Or so we must tell ourselves to not get lost in the madness of it all!

Back to the topic, it'll be fun. I'll get to see who from my school lives around here, hopefully make some contacts worth reaching out to. WC is already here, but you can't reach out to just one friend, gotta have more people around. Or friends in general, of which I have very few as of late... This will be an opportunity for me to socialize, to professionally network, and catch-up with folks I might know, which has like quite a fat chance since I knew very few people to begin with, but wouldn't it be so great if all the people I knew showed up and we had this nice gathering and a party and oh so much fun!?

Oh well, that may or may not happen, but I'll try my best to have a good time. Meet people, mingle, mingle.

Google location no more, my photos now come to use

Google is turning off their account-wide locations, it appears: only the device associated with location history will have the information, and that too inside the device, encrypted and never uploaded to the cloud. On the one hand, it seems like a good decision to protect people's privacy, and protect google from various legal liabilities. On the other hand, it means decades of my location history and planning around this specific feature is fucked. You cannot trust tech companies for anything, any feature they have now is gone in the future. This is ever more so true with google. How does one deal with this issue in an ever-aging era?

Cherry blossom is on!

 It's Cherry Blossom time in Seattle! The trees are all white and red with the flowers, the air is fragrant with their sweet smell, the people are cheery and content in their moods thanks to the heavenly gift. It's a wonderful time to be here.

This is my first full cherry bloom in this town and do I appreciate it so much! In the past years it was disrupted by rain and storm and wind, but we have been fortunate to have things working out. I'm glad to see all the Seattle seasons and the microseasons.

Turns out there's such a thing as 'overcooking a dish' in 'too many pots' and I did it with my essays...I overworked the dough!

 I know now what went wrong with the essays I 'wrote' for the website. Why it caused me to burnout, and in the end had me spend over two hours, possibly closer to three hours per essay, when if I'd written it straight off, it would have been quite a lot shorter. Here's the reasons.

1. I overthought it. I planned it, I outlined it, I drafted it, I edited it and so on and so forth. The 'thread' of the essay gets lost in the process. Everything else to do with an essay has to be done at once, save perhaps the editing part. One has to 'feel' in pace of the essay, not get distracted with 50 other pieces, and come back to write it, perfect it etcetera. I let it stew for far too long, and it became soggy, strange, and not to my liking. The next time around, I'll spend 10-15 minutes outlining and planning, 45 minutes writing, and 30 minutes editing and perfecting. If I'd done that, I'd have had about 60 solid world-class essay by now instead of llm-assisted shit. LLM is great to bounce ideas against, but not much more.

2. I changed the pots far too many times, and forgot that takes lots of effort, mental energy and time. What does it mean? I outlined it all in notepad, then transferred to chatgpt, then copied over to blogger, then to my website, and it's still not complete yet since I'm writing it now. If I'd just written it all in one place, in the same place for the website, figured shit out from chatgpt there, and written it there, the whole thing would have been completer earlier. Each piece felt disjointed because it was torn apart by each step of the process.

3. Again, I overtrusted the LLM, and didn't have enough confidence in myself. When the chatGPT suggested my writing was contrived and the language poor, it was right, and it did help me rewrite it. I shouldn't have taken that to mean the ai was good at everything and strictly better than me in writing essays. I misunderstood the nature of interaction between man and the machine, and deferred to much to the machine.

4. Too long of a turnaround time. Essays should have a turnaround of days between jotting the idea out, and a finished version. Editing can take more, and it can stew around for other points to come in, but I stretched the crap out of all the essays until they didn't hold as strong of an emotion connection anymore. Need to feel the essays more.

Haircut and Xi'an foods [Mon 18]

quinoa with eggplant and green veggies for lunch, all work chores done perfectly!, relaxing walk to volunteer park in the sun, cherries are out, blog and website after work, haircut, two showers, cold outside, U-District trip, Xi'an dinner, so full and excited pumped with energy, dropped home, unproductive evening

Writing this the following evening, I'm getting more back on track than in the past, pumped up about that. Should be writing these journals the morning of the following day ideally but ugh need to get other ducks in a row too.

Had quinoa with eggplant and green veggies stew for lunch. Did most of the planned chores at work, which was a fantastic win as that was the goal set two days ago. Went on a very relaxing walk to volunteer park, the sun was out, everybody was happy and relaxed and picnicking. Also the cherry blossom is out in full force, so it looks amazing! Showered immediately after work, wrote on the blog and website, and then went to the nearby barber to get a haircut, showered again. So many showers!

In the evening headed towards U-District in trousers and t-shirt. Way, way too cold weather for t-shirts even though I was burning during the day, the weather is so weird as of late. They're saying this was a faux spring or faux summer and I buy that!

We ended up at Xi'an foods, a glorious choice, as PS and R and I fed ourselves to the brim and I ended up paying only 75 buckaroos. Love the place, the mapo tofu was almost decadent, the tea eggs are a revelation that I need to understand better and the sweet and sour soup was supremely relaxing. After spending a couple of hours chatting and just relaxing, P dropped me home. I fixed a couple of lunr issues for the website, but otherwise the evening was quite unproductive...

Grain successes

Wrote about this in the work blog, want to put it out as a reminder to myself to refer back to in the future. The buckwheat groats arrived here today, and now waiting for the other grains. Which makes the grains that I have in my place to be the following:

1. white rice
2. brown rice
3. quinoa
4. corn (as grits)
5. rolled oats
6. buckwheat groats
7. millet pearls (soon)
8. Sorghum
9. Rye
10. wheat (as pasta)

and the flours I have in my place to be:
1. Rice flour
2. Corn flour
3. Wheat flour
4. buckwheat (fapar) flour
5. millet (kodo) flour
6. chickpea flour

I want to remind myself that only a couple of years ago I was struggling with eating healthy grains, I legit thought couscous was a grain of its own kind.

With this wide variety of grains, I can now focus on protein sources, sources of minerals and vitamins, fruits for nutrients and fibers. And of course, how to consume these carbs: as 'porridge ' or soup, as pancakes, as 'rice', as bread, dumplings, and so forth. The options are suddenly multiplied.