More ideas on how to get productive at work

The problem is this: I've not exactly, but moreso than before, solved the problem of personal productivity in my personal time. I make a list, and work towards completing it more or less. I know I gotta do the 10k steps, the 5 posts a day here, the workouts meditation yadda yadda yadda whether it's good or not, it's a part of the process so on most days those get done one way or the other. Not to expected standards, shockingly bad standards on most occasions of course, but eventually something gets produced, however questionable it may be in its quality. So yeah I'm never worried there's not enough happening in my personal life/time.

What's happening at work is a whole different thing. In addition to the work work that I'm assigned, I want to be exploring more professional writing, more reading, more planning, being more ambitious generally. It's hard to keep oneself motivated though. So I have come up with a plan of action.

I created a list of things to do everyday, and the general time to do during the course of the day. The idea is, if the productivity app which I use mostly for pomodorro timing, works, it will help me focus and measure how much work I'm getting done. Plus, if I walk to the office thrice or four times, if not five times every day, during work hours, that helps me with other things: I get to have three meals over the course of the day, the day is divided into significant chunks, I get walking during daytime done which I haven't really been doing, I'm refreshed during work which makes me more productive, it forces me out of the house, and so forth...

Over the weekend I made the above plans. As I write this on Monday, the going to work part didn't work out, but i did diligently do pretty much everything else. The reason was that timing was going to be pretty tight: haircutting was needed, and with a 6pm dinner, there wouldn't be much time for me to do much in between two occasions. Ideally, if i can formalize going to the work better and do it more consistently, I'll benefit from it. But there's a tonne of other techniques too, we'll see...

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