That time of year, and that time of political cycle has come to us once again. What happens if the blathering ball of evil wins this time around, and makes the residential situation in this country unviable. What are the backup plans, what's a backup career, how might one maintain a reasonable lifestyle and expectation of stability, while still thriving? What will the jobs look like when the moron undoes decades of hard work and progress of building up core industries? What will the options available look like? How might that shape the rest of one's life? How long will it be viable to stay around? When might one consider it a prudent decision to jump ship? What are the other options that might be considered to jump ship, as it were, where to the life-rafts lie? Might the rafts be even more dangerous that the ship about to explode? What will one's personal life look like in the hellish madlands of a second moron administration? How might one consolidate social situation to preserve what will remain? What compromises, physical, ideal and in principles, might have to be made in a post-madness world?
Ugh, rough place to be in as an immigrant in this country right now.
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