Gemini-assisted wordcount of the blog: 2.02 MIL babyyy!

In the past I spent hours trying to finagle the python good to deal with the messy structure of the xml file that blogger generates, hoping to get clean data out of it. No need anymore! I got Gemini to generate code to do that work for me, yeah it took 15-20 minutes to get the format exactly write, but I didn't have to delve too deeply into the file, didn't have to understand the nuances of xml parsing and traversing either.

And the results are....I am at 2.02 million words for this blog. A shocking number for sure, but if you read the last post not excessively interesting as  it might be. But still, 2 mil is a 2 mil. Here's to another two million words, and tens of millions more!

Out of that, 1.55 million has been written in the last four years (since 2020). It's 1.74 million since 2019. That's a good-news/bad-news scenario. On the one hand it means my word-count per post has gone down hilariously, but despite that my annual word count is through the charts, at almost 400k a year. If I'd been doing that all this time, it'd be at so many more millions. This is the right time to move towards greater thought, greater depth, greater length. If not length, then at least the previous two.

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