Website v0.5 is out, v1 next week, stuff to look forward to!

At this point, I'm ready to declare the website version 0.5 release! I have the core engineering blogs out, and the 'ideas' section out! I'm starting to consider design elements, but haven't decided to pull the trigger. It's good enough to show close friends and family, not good enough for the rest of the world though.

What needs to be done: more personal information, more resume and cv. Add fermentland blog. Add core projects and goals. Clearer delineation of work and fun, and more focus on fun. Work towards my manifesto (indirectly) by specifying my values and goals in different sections of the blog. Create a 'complete image' of me by posting all the things I have on my notepad. I'll be happy only when the major sections of my 'notes' file in notepad is done. Then version 2, but it can wait, for a long time, should it need to. I foresee that won't be so though, because with v1 done, I'll just be excessively motivated to get it all out of my hair and make it a normal part of my life rather than a special project.

Still considerable work left, but we're going towards the right direction. The original plan was to have the v0.5 out in early Feb (lol). We'll have v1.0 out in late March, it's fine by me. I have been able to push myself, and at least take a shot at executing my vision of personal branding. We will see how much I'll be invested into making my dreams come out to reality.

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