Top 10 things you don't want to say to the TSA agent

  1. Heh heh if you liked what you saw there, I have got way more of that at home...

  2. Hey say brother, you got some sharp objects or something, I uhhh need to chop up pieces of cucumber or something...

  3. No that's not a piece of candy, I'm quite happy to see you!

  4. No I said I'm a "Terrior-IST", I LOVE terriers, the dogs, omg how can you be so stupid, y'all are all morons!

  5. I'll take two rounds of patdowns, please, thank you very much!

  6. Oh, nothing suspicious in my bag? Phew! Oh I meant, nothing nevermind, just that...No no, no need to put it hey hey watch it, fuck you you wanna mess with me, man!?

  7. I effing hate all of you and this is the worst thing to have ever happened, get a life losers instead of harassing me!

  8. No, NO, that's just a MODEL of a gun, a very real-to-life one, not a real one, okay! Any moron could tell that!

  9. I am willing to pay $500 bucks to get out of this, anytime...It's in my pocket, just take it I won't complain...

  10. Say, isn't it time for a shift change? You sure look tired, why don't you go take a break, I can man the gates in the meantime?

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