Rabbit at sight, morning illustrations [Sat 23]

spring is fully here, rabbits are here, morning illustrations, evening walk to the park, TJ's in the evening, fried rice, kimchi and green soup for dinner, daylong website work, relaxing with tv watching at night

I write this on the afternoon of Monday. Having spent the entirety of day Saturday writing here and doing the website, I wasn't as free and productive on Sunday, and walked, read and mostly worked on tweaking small irrelevant things on the website. So here we go.

Spring was finally here, I saw half-dozen rabbit babies and rat babies on my walk back from the park.

Did a couple of pages of illustrations in the morning, worked on this blog and the website all day long. Too much news consumption, I must reduce that.

Went to TJ's in the evening after completing walk at Volunteer park, got myself a veggie fried rice packet. Had it with green soup, kimchi, and lots of buckwheat.

Relaxed by watching tv and working a bit more in the evening. Tried going to bed early but couldn't sleep.

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