The millet arrival, website search fully implemented to satisfaction, work chores done in private time [Tue 26]

millet arrival, damaged package for other grains arriving later, buckwheat and beans in the evening, volunteer park walk, mild work on the website, work chores in the evening, decent chores done!

As I write this the following day, I have come upon a realization. These days, the last two weeks or so, have been as un-memorable as they could possibly get. If the goal of this whole blog was to achieve 'agelessness' by being able to remember every day reasonably well and therefore not allow my brain to 'compress' the memories, the past couple of weeks are not great because well..every day is quite like the other.

Is that a problem? Not necessarily, as long as I'm enjoying them and adding a decent amount of variation into my activities. You don't want your days to be strictly regimented, with no opening for flexibility and exploration of new interests. The website stuff has held me down a bit in recent times. But no wonder, this weekend onward, that should be a solved matter. Also need to go out more, meet more people, perhaps more meetups is the answer.

Right, back to the task at hand. In the day I got my millet from the online retailer, the second 40-lb bag was apparently damaged during shipping and will probably come later. Had buckwheat and beans with tonnes of kimchi for dinner in the evening.

Went to volunteer park, three rounds in the afternoon. Worked for a little bit on the website, fucking finally fixing the search issue. My next goal is to do the remaining writings done ASAP. I am using any excuse I can find to avoid the actual task of writing, despite being able to churn out thousands (and I mean that literally) of words otherwise when given a free reign. Need to connect the dots and channel this ability to type keys on the keeb to express the 'good thoughts' inside my head.

In the evening wrote on this blog, a bit on the website, and then did all the work chores, which took like 45 minutes, plus everyday chores. Took a shower right before going to bed, don't know if that's ideal.

And that was my day!

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