I'm having too much fun just messing around with my website. I need to control myself.

Website is out, posting articles, making minor changes, making so many little changes here and there, addiction, happened in the past, spent hours and hours instead of doing other productive things, bad habit, need to organize better, start batch posting and batch editing, otherwise easy to get carried away, important to take rests in between

I've been having too much fun just messing around with the website and its technical features. I'll think, ooooh wouldn't that be fun, and spend the next 30 minutes to 2 hours working on it, and bam, the day is over just like that. Thing is, it's just an engineer's ego, there's no 'customer need' to implement those features, nobody's ever going to notice theme, it's not going to create any final impact. It's just that I want to do something cool and get it done. Which is not a crime, obviously, but it matters when I'm on a deadline to finish the website work, the articles first, and instead I'm addicted to making pointless technical changes and features in the website.

It's happened to me in the past too, when making websites -- a task I'm quite bad at doing and not specially interested in either -- I get carried away, add bells and whistles, features nobody will ever notice and consider it a masterpiece, and it goes nowhere because I end up posting nothing in there. Content is king, I need to focus on that first. Which is why the idea now is to post articles in batch, and then go back to editing in batch. That way the shame of having posted crappy pieces will force me to edit, but not micro-manage each piece. I'm thinking of posting 5 pieces a day, because even with minimal editing each piece will take 15-20 minutes to put online. I'll hopefully get better turning this whole thing around. The great outcome of this is that I'm becoming a better editor, most definitely.

Also, I should really force myself to take rest between sessions, I'll keep doing the same thing for hours and hours and not rest, and then get burned out with not enough energy to do anything else. Same thing at work, with actual work stuff or the distraction stuff. I need to be distracted enough by the screen to actually schedule rest in between.

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