I've gotten better at generating ai images, and learned the hard way to control text generation

The other day, which means yesterday I spent a few good hours generating images for my website when I should have been writing new pieces for a blog section of it. Because generating ai images is more fun and has a lower threshold of fear of failure. And you know what, whereas I'd be spending 20-30 minutes generating good images for a post in the past, it's down to like a few minutes, or ten minutes at the most. And I've also gotten better at controlling the direction of ai's text generation. I can see when it begins verring off the tracks and significantly misunderstand the intentions behind one's words. I see it as a great strength for me because if one wants to use a tool for any task, one needs to be aware of the weakness of the opponent and the strengths of one's allies and pick and choose one's goal. And with the statements and political decision suppressed so hard. In fact a couple of my dad's cousins were/are in the council for electing random independent characters, and even the orangeman. It is wild times, surely.

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