Multi roomba rounds, daylong drawing, americanization party at PG's [Sat 16]

 late wake, daylong drawing, more cleanup in the apartment, park walk in the sun, quinoa veggies for lunch, welcome party and american party with friend and her friends, late home superlate

Woke up pretty late seeing as I'd gone to bed late. Had a bit of a hangover throughout the day, don't know what was up with that. Got a couple of rounds of roomba vacuum in the apartment, place look shinyyy now. Had quinoa and veggies for lunch, and went on a nice relaxing walk to the volunteer park. Wrote a tonne on the website, worked on technical features, posted a couple of features, and wrote a considerable amount on this page.

Drew on the kindle for a couple of pages, had so much fun

Went to friend PG's nationalization party, hung out with their friends, stayed there until almost midnight, which was about six hours of partying. Fun times. Always good time hanging out with this gang...

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