First posts on the website and a great chia-buckwheat combo [Sun 10]

coconut oats spices and banana for brunch, walk to volunteer park in the rain, housecleaning, laundry and posting a couple of posts in the website, the posters are finally up!, buckwheat-chia pancakes with chickpea salad, kimchi, achaar and kefir, early to bed because of timezone change

For brunch I had oats with heavy coconut milk, cinna-sugar, banana and raisins. I don't like sweet-sugary meals much, but this was oats and fruits mostly and the sweet powder was just a spoonful. The meal was creamy and filling, wouldn't mind eating it every so often.

Posted 2 articles on my website, took a bit more than an hour, but I'm now finessing the technique of writing, editing and publishing, should be a lot shorter for the 30th, or the 50th article than it was for the first two. Just need to get on it consistently.

Went to volunteer park for a walk in the cold, it was also raining after stopping for a while. A bit annoying to have gotten caught in the rain, and I was sopping wet when I got home, but this was a good time to start doing laundry, which is exactly what happened. Dumped all the clothes in my laundry hamper, took them downstairs to the laundry room and did three loads of laundry. While the clothes cleaned, I cleaned my kitchen, put that massive microwave away from the counter finally (it had been bothering for quite a while), stuck the three remaining posters on the wall, and made dinner. Dinner was buckwheat-chia pancakes with chickpea salad (the last of) kimchi, lime achaar and kefir. I realize now that my meals are 'healthy' in terms of the choice of grains and the fixins that go along, but it's just as important to 'internalize' the joy of healthy eating, most of which is low-effort. More time will be needed to improve on that.

Got most of my checklist items done, and went to bed early because I was quite tired having slept for only a few short hours, and it would be a bad idea to start a workweek tired and sleepy.

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