Must. Write. On. Time. Not. On. Postcount.

A realization.

What has reduced the quality of posts -- and correspondingly the length of the posts here too -- and the time spent on them, is that I've reduced the time I spend per post from 30 minutes 3-4 years ago, to 5-10 minutes per writing on a good night. And that's because I've encroached upon the 2 1-hr sessions I'd protected for my writing time, and instead writing gets pushed towards the end of the day, and I'm trying to optimize for the '5 posts that I have to write ughhh' instead of the 'ohhh I'll have to write for 1.5 hours anyway'. The focus on the numbers isn't bad, but I've focused on the wrong metrics, I need to be spending at least 15-20 minutes per post like I used to. That way I'm forced to write better, longer, and just more substantial. I'll also be less inclined to...this is not even half-assing, this is like barely trying, treating it as a chore instead of a protected time where I get to do my favourite hobby.

If I know I need to be doing something for a certain time if I'm enjoying it or not, I'd rather be enjoying it, and doing it right (write) hehe heh.

The goal therefore is to not think about how many posts I wrote in how many days, but making sure I'm giving myself at least 1.5 hours daily to write, and generally come with 5 posts a day. And keep writing nonstop for the 20-25 minutes per post that comes out to. 25 minutes is a long time to write these posts, could reach 1500-2000 words easily. They won't be very good and I'll try to lengthen the posts needlessly yeah, but maybe that's better? I won't have to write-write, I can also be editing the piece, trying to make a 'whole readable and presentable' output in that time, instead of the meager five minutes where I can barely draw out a decent outline.

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