Nepal has changed, maan, get real, alright?

Fiction, after so fucking love. God I missed this. I enjoy writing fiction but can't write it. I can write the other personal bullshit but it's nowhere as fun...Sad times.

This is not your time man, you're like an old man, talk to people about Satellite dish and they think you're talking about some food trend that's popular on TikTok, okay? And what about how you guys are so weird about guys and girls, it's so weird jeeez, like people have sex all the time now, like there's not many classmates that hadn't had sex until college. Yeah yeah in your time, how long ago was, that was the olden times hahah you had to hide and like get married or go to a different country to have sex, yeah yeah do you even hear yourself, how wild that sounds? The emoji's are all different, that crying face you use, only the olds use that, you can tell the exact age of the person by how outdated they are with their emojii usage, and you're still obsessed with Cartoon Network and the old times and Durbarmarg, lmaaaao, dude get real alright, dubarmarg is dead, and it has been long dead. Maybe it was happening when I was like a small child, oh yeah I remember going there way back as a baby with my parents, was it Sam's One Tree cafe or whatever, and everyone likes to blame Balen for it, but no, it's not just happening in there... The stores there are they're all targeted Indian tourists and don't want young Nepali kids, even those with money, you know what I mean?

Yeah it's alright, it's normal, even the middle class has a house in kathmandu and a house in their village so talking about 'farm house' is not like a fancy bougie thing in your times alright, that's what we do, go to people's farm houses, party, fuck and it's all chill, drinking and smoking pot. Oh right, I'll give you that, we still smoke cigs a bunch, yea yeah okay I gettit they don't do that anymore in America or Canada or whatever, but this is like Nepal, so get real, this is a part of our culture at this point. We smoke ciggies, fill up on bubble tea, get fat by eating out all the time, go to the gym to get ripped, talk about body positivity, and the cycle continues all the time. It''s not even about going abroad and coming back or all that, I literally see no difference between people who have not left Nepal and those who have...Actually, one difference lol I think I know, this is going to sound so stupid but go along with this alright, so the people who went abroad, this is hilarious, the people who didn't stay in nepal all the time, they act like kind of...poor people...sometimes? Like you know some middle class things and talking about how crazy expensive things are, they're doing that all the time. If you're here always, you know what the prices are, you know complaining about them is kinda bullshit because why'd you go and order that item if you wanted to complain about the price bish, so we go to the places where we can afford, depending on salary and pocket money and blah blah blah, but yeah those people, lmao they're always shocked, even after staying abroad for just six months. Like I don't think prices are going up that much in six months, it's not a big deal, chilllll.

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