CVS is actually a boring place, all things considered

 I love grocery shopping. The only thing stopping me from spending an entire day at a grocery store is my energy level. And my feet, they're not used to walking inside tiled floors for ten-twelve hours. If I could I would, most definitely.

I figured the love of grocery shopping would translate into general shopping. At CVS, for example. I've been to CVS more times in the last month that I have ever before, combined. And as we've talked about here, those were productive trips. I still need a vital instrument for my projects, which I'm choosing to blame for the failure of my hobby, or partial failure anyway. So I went there this evening, to the one by Aldi to get the pokey thing.

After spending twenty minutes searching for it I looked it up only to make sure they even carry it. No, it turns out, they don't carry pokey things. You either need to have a prescription or order online from elsewhere but you're not going to be able to buy them there. A disappointment, but perhaps the trip could be repurposed into something useful anyway. Explore the store up and down, spent another half-hour minimum checking all their wares, seeing if there was something I needed or wanted. Something that could catch my eye. Nothing, really.

The only 'good' thing that I saw were those absurdly expensive 'mood improvement' tablets that cost a buck a pop! A dollar for a tablet which has a bunch of enzymes that claim to improve mood, but it says it's not making any legal claims, it's just marketing lingo. It's ridiculous, you promise your customers you have an expensive pill that will make them feel good without the bad side-effects, and in reality it doesn't do anything that's scientifically proven. The part that pisses me is not that they're trying to sell it, it's that they're trying to rob people, with no evidence, while making the marketing of the product [the labels, the packaging] look like it actually works. What bullshit.

After an hour of rummaging around, I carried a packet of chips with me, maybe that'd be able to save my evening. In the end, didn't feel like it really, there was no commitment to the store that I had, so abandoned that and walked out empty-handed.

An empty but important trip.

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