The goddamn housepets

Source Image, pretty NSFW. From 1800 CE.

Hiyao was annoyed, like hell he was. You spend all day in the farm like a bull, running only on sake and rice like some animal, you come home to find the whole family all four generations of them nosing about. Not possible for a private time. In the evening just when everyone is too busy to be distracted you sneak off with your wife to the nearby to the storage thatch because that is some place of privacy if not perfect secrecy. Nobody to yell at your or call you or even hide and watch you like those young people are upto these days. You barely lift your trousers, have her kimono lose, and there's the whole coterie of household animals watching and encouraging you from your behind. You're not even started yet. It's a lot of pressure to aim already with the excitement and the pressure, with the added prodding of three beasts it seems nigh impossible.

That dog, what's wrong with the dog. Hiyao hadn't ever heard the dog bark so consistently ever before. As if there was something he wanted to communicated. Possibly a revenge for the several occasions where he had poured a pail of cold water to stop that animal from fornicating himself. Go away, shoo, shoo, the eager middle-age man moved his hands away from his wife's waist and thrust into the air. The cat, dog and the baby goat, a kid, took a few steps back but showed no interest in abandoning the scene.

The cat looked bored, as if it was around only because everyone else found it interesting but he himself had nothing good to say about the performance. The kid was smitten, mouth agape, as if it had never observed of scandal of such seriousness and an act of such ferocity before in the household. The dog looked like he was having a good time, he started barking again. An incessant sort of barking which would be punctuated by a couple of moments of total silence, when one could hear the heavy breaths of the human couple trying to get their copulation on, and then back to his cacophony of barking.

I will throw my slipper against you if you keep barking you silly dog, said Hiyao, the beast seemed to comprehend that and backed a few steps. The Kid though, it was spellbound by the strange sights sounds and smell from the happenings in front of it and showed no interest in making a departure.

A call. Hiyao's mother, shouting from the balcony for something or other. It was about the vegetable, always the vegetables that wretched old woman. After everyone is asleep, Hiyao's wife said, looking at the animals, showing the sharp end of her palm at the dog. She straightened her kimono and headed into the house. Hiyao would head into the house after several minutes.

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