Phone catchups, burrito lunch, Aldi & CVS trip, garlic bread sandwich, good bedtime

 Woke up actually pretty reasonably early for a weekend, good time on the phone catching up with the news. I'm so hooked up to it, need to cut my access to all sources of news again it's getting addicting. Firefox has broken all the android addons I was using for self-control but ah what can you do.

Spent a couple of solid hours catching up with international friends, their relationships, loneliness etcetera. Covid has made the world so strange and uncertain, it's depressing. If there were a global war going on right now it'd be a lot more understandable than whatever the heck's happening. Everything is paused, zombiefied, terrifying.

For lunch I made some scrambled eggs, and mushroom, heated leftover rice, and two tortillas. It was a solid lunch burrito. Only bad thing: I oversalted the mushrooms and didn't put salt on anything else to compensate. Such a terrible idea. Instead I should have watered down the shroomies, thrown away the water and went at it until the salt was out. Evenly salting food is a much better smarter idea than trying to 'balance' things out.

More news, more twitter, listened to songs, wrote a bunch, the usual after lunch. Left for Aldi at 5'ish, nice walk, saw so many chill canada geese that I thought were gonna attack me but they were kind and let me walk on the street I wanted to thank them for being so gracious.

Spent a good time at Aldi, though I didn't have to buy anything there. Got some nuts, was running out of them, salted this time because the unsalted ones were done for. Three bars of very dark chocolate. Dried berries, a cantaloupe, sugar, yogurt. Oh and two of those 'zero calorie' drinks that cost like a buck everywhere else, but 50 cents at Aldi, good old Aldi. Chamomile tea too, because haven't had that in a while.

Went to CVS looking for pointy things, realized they don't sell 'em. Spent an hour checking if there's anything worth buying, nothing nada, so disappointing. Wrote about that yesterday look it up. Walked back, worked on the plum wine, it's going great, I need to add yeast to it and then put in the carboy.

Got back, watched some tv, the office, had a sandwich with garlic bread as the bread, hummus generously slathered on one bread, mayo on other, sliced kimchi on one bread, salted tomatoes on another. It was yum.

Wrote a bunch before going to bed, by the time I lay in bed it must have been half past eleven, a bit before twelve. Slept pretty quick.

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