The very awesome adventures of Beri rabbtit [III]

... Beri was uncertain. While Corvina was great and her advice seemed valuable, it seemed like she wanted to keep him more in the web of support and comfort than his parents did. He told her that. No silly, she said, I don't want to be on you 24/7. In case you are hurt or seriously in a threat I'll make sure the news of your wellbeing or lack thereof goes around, so you don't have to die hurt in the wild okay. And that's our first lesson. Any questions?...

 Beri rabbtit's lessons with Corvina the crow were intense. He hadn't been challenged like that in his life. Every morning she would ask him a load of difficult question from earlier day's lessons, and if he failed to answer, she would tell him how missing out on that could cost him his life.

You have to be serious, Beri was told, if you don't know how to light a fire using just sticks and stones you could freeze to death. Do you want to freeze to death little rabbit? You've got a lovely thick fur, but it'll keep you warm for only so long. What you need are tools and the skills to use them. Consider them as extensions to your body okay? See how when your fur is untrimmed you feel warmer, and when it's trimmed it's colder? Think about sticks and stones like that okay? When you know how to use them, you're warmer and colder otherwise. Except you can get rid of those, and carry other tools when needed! How cool, right? Now i'll give you one more day to practice all of yesterday's lessons, as well as today, or else...

Beri rabbtit was afraid. He didn't want to ask what the consequences would be. He blurted out anyway. "Or else, what's going to happen to me?"

Well nothing, silly I'm not going to hurt you or anything haha, what are you even thinking. Just it'll be really disappointing and when I tell you sister and your parents that you don't have fundamental skills to put your life together they'll worry more about you. Every day you're gone, they'll think, oh the day is cold I hope Beri doesn't freeze to death. Every moment we will be worrying about you because we will remember you don't have the skills to keep yourself safe and healthy. And you too will be suffering in the long term. So to make us feel good, and to make your life easier, put all your concentration into learning these okay?

On his way back home that evening, Beri rabbit was serious. He had not expected an adventure to be this much work. In his mind, he imagined he would wear cool clothes, put on a binocular and a large rucksack on his back like his favourite adventurers from tv, and be walking the mountains and the valleys. But he knew Corvina was right. If he didn't learn the basic skills to keep himself safe, his adventure would not last very long. Best case, he would be back soon, and worst case...he didn't want to think too much about it because he knew it was likely if he didn't pay attention to his lessons.

So he spent all night revising what Corvina had taught in the class, and practicing the skills. The tok-toking of the stones hitting one another to produce a spark disturbed his parents when they woke up deep in the night to drink some water and use the restroom, but they were happy in the knowledge that their child was learning the ways of the world. They didn't disturb him.

The next morning, Beri was quite very tired. At Corvina's place during the lesson, he displayed all the skills and knowledge she had taught him. I practiced all night long, teacher! He said. Aren't I doing great?!

Good job Beri, Corvina said. But remember, it's not just about one day. You have to keep this up throughout our lessons okay, for each lesson is as important as the next. Going without sleep for this entire time will only hurt you. The way to go at it is to stay in a disciplined timetable and make yourself do things regularly, not rush everything at once and forget about it, because your body will have to pay a heavy price for it. I want to do the same exercises and studying you did yesterday this evening too, but I want you to make a timetable and follow it. Can you to it Berri rabbtit? Corvina asked.

Yes teacher, said Beri, eagerly!

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