Two intense walks, leftover lunch, fluffernutter dinner, playing with photography [Tue 6]

 I write this the following day at 10.20 PM. It has been a busy day with all the projects. Meant to write it this morning, but got too lazy, busy listening to podcasts etcetera.

Woke up at 6.30, had to use the restroom couldn't go back to sleep which was fine as I used the restroom and went on my morning walk. The winter hill route to Tufts and back. I've done it in 50 minutes, didn't feel like rushing so took me longer than an hour. No worries.

The day was super duper busy at work though it felt like I'd done nothing. A strange feeling.

Had the leftover grits and veggies for lunch. It was good, even as leftover, I added the spices. Maybe too fatty, should have added kimchi. Ah well.

Left for walks right after work and writings, was a chill walk, the 'nature' walk, from wegmans to the park, across the bridge, and back. Chilled with roommates for a bit. Had the fluffernutter for dinner. And a 'zero calorie' juice that I got from Aldi couple of days ago. My supplies to take to NYC are here, people are gonna be excited, we'll have a good time.

Wrote like four posts in the evening, was done by 10.40, went to bed. Good times. Fell asleep in maybe twenty minutes.

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